Personal Message

myoui mina 
666 posts | 666 pts

merry christmas !
to: mina

hi there. you've been an amazing friend to me. you've been there for my ups and downs and make me feel better when i'm down, even a little. i don't know what i'd do without you and i don't even want to imagine it. i couldn't wish for a better best friend than you, bubbie. you're the best, really and i'd pick you over anybody any day. i thought this scarf would look super duper cute on you so i got it. i love you ehe ♡♡♡
to: MINA

a perfect scent for a strong woman like you. may this be a confidence booster - or yes extra booster maybe. merry christmas!
to: mina

mina noona! here's a smol gift that can hopef ul l y remind you of a certain someone every time you see it. merry christmas, we love you : D
to: MINa
to: mina

hey wifey wifey!! guess who bc u hv so many wives :< sulky but jk merry christmas have a jolly HOPEful x'mas w your love ok shh dont deny sojuhope anym & thank u for always talking to me when i'm annnoying
to: MINa

hey there, i hope you've been doing well. take care okay?
to: mina

you've always seemed like the type with a pretty solid aesthetic to me - and what's more aesthetic than a polaroid camera to take a ton of pictures with? (a lot more things, possibly, but given that that was a rhetorical question, let's move on) do whatever you'd like with it - take pictures of the sky, of your members during an exhausting but fulfilling day, of you when you're feeling good about yourself, of your boy when you two are on a date - anything you'd like. just use it well and make lots of memories worth taking pictures of, okay?

merry christmas, mina. enjoy the holidays!
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