
Full Name: Park Jinyoung
Age: 21
Race: Human
Secondary: Omega
Occupation: College Student ; Part - Time Waiter at the Cafe
Background: They say once you're staring at a person's eyes for too long, you're able to know the true feelings of a certain person. For Jinyoung, he believes this. Park Jinyoung, mostly known as the book guy in their university or so they say. He grew up with his mother, and an older brother which despised him because he was 'not like them'. Jinyoung forcefully moved out of his own home though, hearing the unbearable fights of his brother and his mother had somehow taken a toll on the said lad. He's tired of being hated by the society, to be distinguished as not normal. His mother of course knew that Jinyoung, was indeed able to be impregnated. With this, Jinyoung developed an overprotective nature. His shell, too tough to break. He's mostly quiet, and definitely enjoys being alone. He's sometimes friendly, but most of the time he's cold and unpredictable.