Personal Message

out of a job;

4 slots available



the fear of being forgotten, forgetting, being ignored; being replaced. [ lover, pull to the left. ]




lean, withered, incredibly exhausted.

Late Middle English; earliest use found in Guy de Chauliac's Grande Chirurgie. From classical Latin marcidus withered from marcēre to wither (from an Indo-European base meaning 'to decay') + -idus.




looking legitimate but actually being spurious.

A humorous, intentionally morphologically opaque neologism coined by television writer David X. Cohen for The Simpsons episode "Lisa the Iconoclast" in 1996. In reference to one character's questioning of the use of embiggen, another says “it's a perfectly cromulent word.”




alluring, attractive, enticing.

an archaic word that should make a comeback; it's featured on a top ten list,
and although
it sounds diseased, it is becoming in itself.




brief note

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscig elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea

t aliquip ex ea.


     alpha | wolf

kim taehyung

一 紹介。



二 - マスクされた

he grew up with no mother, no father, dropped off at a catholic church with not even a note. he wasn't wanted. not even the sister's wanted him, throwing him into school and letting him fall into the systematic discombobulation of foster care. from family to family, until he was 17 and could properly run away. living off of pick pocketing and soup kitchens, and soon, a swindler. charming houses out of people, money, filing lawsuits after 'wrongfully' being 'evicted' from his 'home' by the person who he pretended to court. he worked the system, just like it had worked him, using all flaws it may contain in his favor. he's a thief. a liar. but he has a big heart, and shows his affection in his own way.


三 - 自然の精神



四 - 恋人

lover here


五 - 彼女の休暇

home here


六 - 彼女の負担

 Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. With POTS, the body does not control blood pressure or heart rate as it should after one stands up. So for a brief time, one may not get enough blood to your brain. This can make one feel dizzy and lightheaded. One might faint. Sitting or lying down helps them feel better.

how here got it here

he now daily takes xanax for anxiety, propranolol for reducing heart rate and midodrine - not as frequently - to constrict the 'loose' blood vessels in his legs. if he can't take midodrine, he wears compression stockings under his clothes, or with his clothes, to have a similar effect

out of character

see jongin for details


december 30th, 19xx. . .




1 \ username
plot, status

2 \ username
plot, status

3 \ username
plot, status

4 \ username
plot, status