Personal Message

Shin Dongho  

 19 | Storm | Beta | taken 

about dongho
Dongho was born as the only pup to a water affinity mother and an earth affinity father. He spent most of his childhood helping his mother so often that he ended up taking on a very similar go-with-the-flow personality tas hers. He doesn't like to cause ripples in the water but his father's feet were always planted firmly on the ground and he taught his son that sometimes men need to take action into their own hands. He was taught the basics of combat, hunting, and providing for the pack but he would take a day cooking a meal for everyone in his clan over hunting any day. To this day, Dongho remains a sweet, gentle young man who wants nothing more in his life than to meet someone that will love him the way his parents love each other.

Taken by Kim Sunggyu
I know I'm insecure and it must be frustrating but you're still here by my side, telling me how much you love me every day. You have no idea how much it means to me that even when I think of the worst things for us you are there to cknvince me that everything is going to be alright. You are the moon in my starless sky, bringing light to my world amd guiding me in the right direction. I'm trying, love, to believe you when you say you'll never leave. I promise you that I am. I want to believe you. I love you so much that I can't imagine my life without you anymore. I know you would never hurt me and I hate that I make you feel the way you do by questioning your love for me. I love you, Kim Suggyu, and I'll try to look positively towards our future together.
adorable friends

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my will-o-wisp
My will-o-wisp, Jonggie. Named after Kim Jonghyun without whom I would not have him. Thank you, hyung!