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i. name: jung jaewon
ii. age: 23
iii. occupation: jobseeker - for a legal one, at least
iv. personality: gifted with an effortless charm, jaewon is pretty much the type of person you'd have in mind hearing steppenwolf's famous song named "born to be wild". having been raised mostly by himself and the group of gangsters, the male learnt about how the world actually works at a pretty young age. he was taught to question authority, find his own path in the ocean of the same, dull and meaningless expressions. he's adventuous, plays with his faith whenever he can, even if it means getting one step too far in the flirt with death. courageous, bold and gifted with a certain bluntness. however outgoing and sociable he might seem at first glance, factuality is pretty much the opposite. jaewon is an enigma. he's a mystery wrapped in sheets that are supposed to make him look normal.
v. timezone: gmt+1 = cet
vi. online: it depends on how busy i am, but i'm usually on from 7pm to 11pm~1am
vii. writing: mainly 3rd, para, multipara