Personal Message

 Kim Kibum

Age: 21
Job: Scultpor
Personality:  possessive, erse, astray, psychotic, sadistic and masochistic (emotionally and physically)
Facts:  afraid of the dark, believes he's always in control, an aichmomaniac 
History:  escaped the research facility several years ago
RP style: any pov / any length / mirror
What You Should Know:

... After being caught by the research facility when he was seven years old, Kibum
suffered through countless experiments. The Neural Divisions goal was to make
people immune to pain. However after their plans backfired, not only did Kibum 
escape the facility, but they severly messed up his nervous system, resulting in 
him feeling a certain degree of pleasure mixed in with his pain. Some of his nerves
were also 'fried' and he has muscle spasms or 'twitches' in his fingers and eyes.
During his stay at the facility, Kibum secretly conducted his own 'experiments'
on the other test subjects, coaxing them in with a sweet smile before cruelly
revealing his true intentions. He claimed his 'experiments' were done because 
he 'enjoyed it' but truthfully he just wanted to make people suffer the same way 
he did. 

Are   you   in   p a i n  like   me

Entry # 1

Entry # 2

Entry # 3
