Personal Message

jung jinsoul.

19 y.o.


3rd – para, semi, mirror
detailed 1st (rarely)
gmt-5 / eastern time


01 no one-liners.

02 plotting is a must.

03 don't poke until a week passes.

04 sometimes my replies are slow.

05 random starter = maybe.

out of character

coming soon.

history / bio

coming soon.



Quisque sagittis risus tellus, id finibus arcu viverra sed. Vivamus laoreet congue porttitor. Fusce purus eros, vestibulum eu nisl feugiat, commodo congue lorem. Aenean mattis mi non velit interdum, ac posuere massa ullamcorper. Vivamus luctus odio libero, non blandit mi sollicitudin sit amet. Morbi et mi aliquet, egestas magna eu, mattis ex. Phasellus id ante aliquet nulla suscipit faucibus. Sed tempor velit ut maximus maximus.


title Praesent tincidunt purus sed nisi ultricies, in gravida purus venenatis. Pellentesque nunc tellus, laoreet eu tristique non, pretium sed sapien. Duis pellentesque hendrerit ligula non varius. Morbi in velit ac leo condimentum rutrum. Morbi ex quam, venenatis ut lobortis a, sagittis non eros.
/ status, rating, etc.

title Donec accumsan massa metus, vitae vestibulum mauris venenatis sed. Ut sed accumsan massa. Integer venenatis euismod commodo.
/ status, rating, etc.

title Quisque quis imperdiet ante. In neque nulla, tristique sit amet sapien vel, pretium feugiat sapien. Ut viverra tempor neque. Sed auctor turpis ut diam mattis suscipit. Phasellus dignissim metus et erat consectetur cursus id a lorem.
/ status, rating, etc.



temporary profile - 

name ; jung jinsoul
position ; non-bender
eight traits ; pos. clear-headed, athletic, determined, spontaneous / neg. rash, mischievous, blunt, fickle
description ; [ this is gonna 'cause i'm tired sorry :') ] born to bending parents, but for some reason she never gained a trait from either one. oftentimes the kids at school would bully jinsoul for being a non-bender as she lived in a small community that held benders as more important. even so, she didn't crumble beneath the dislike and ended up getting tough in her own way. in high school she was known as 'crazy jin' (or sometimes 'crazy ' too) due to her harsh attitude and avid hatred for those who picked on weaker people. she'd fight her way to the top if she had to. [ ugh sorry i'm about to pass out ]