

I will only live once, might as well do what I want.

21 years old
b t s
vocalist | 4D charm





About Me

Currently, Kim Taehyung a.k.a Taehyung or Tae Tae is a member of Bullet Proof Boys or popularly known as BTS. He is one hell of a charmer and his 4D personality and innocence with surely reel you in. To find out more about his past lives please read the subsection.

sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam commodo dignissim nibh ut hendrerit. Nullam tempus rutrum leo id venenatis. Vivamus pellentesque eleifend velit in bibendum. Nam ut egestas odio. Praesent nec blandit lacus. Integer in vestibulum diam, sit amet accumsan justo. Nunc diam lorem, egestas nec enim sit amet, auctor gravida sem. Duis urna est, volutpat sed odio eget, tincidunt posuere dolor. Pellentesque sem eros, lacinia a scelerisque sed, consectetur et metus.


In the past, Taehyung's the youngest prince among 6 of the siblings in the Joseon Era, being one of such high status, people had pressed on him expectations he never wanted in the first place. Stressed with all of what he is being asked for, Taehyung's waiting for a person to take him and let him break free of the vicious cycle of being the king of the throne he never had a desire for.

The present time comes and taehyung becomes a successful singer and member of the popular idol boy group, bts. claiming worldwide fame and pulling in fans with his own unique charm, he continues to strive to be the best whilst being army's and bts' adorkable kim taehyung.

robot #123095, in the future, taehyung becomes one of the many android being produced to satisfy humans who need love, attention and ual satisfaction. so far, despite him being one of the prettiest, no one has activated and claimed yet #123095. will you be the one to open up his mind and teach him? corrupt him or love him? take your chances and see what this android has to offer once he's been opened.


Donec maximus orci sit amet tempor placerat.


character name : link / Status.

character name : link / Status.

character name : link / Status.

character name : link / Status.

character name : link / Status.

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Donec tincidunt euismod accumsan. Integer felis turpis, faucibus nec elementum eu, dignissim facilisis mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Ut suscipit neque urna, a facilisis orci venenatis ac. Proin sit amet ante maximus, blandit sem et, pulvinar sapien. Nam viverra mi vitae nibh ultrices pretium. Aenean convallis risus in velit viverra, ut pharetra enim congue. Aliquam quis fermentum libero. Aenean semper urna enim, sit amet ultrices est auctor eu. Quisque cursus consequat quam sit amet mattis. Donec non sem tortor. Donec gravida libero sed lacus ullamcorper, et ultricies elit elementum. Sed euismod elit vel dui tempus semper.

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Curabitur nec leo id tellus laoreet rutrum sed non libero. Integer id malesuada lorem. Sed pretium, nisi eu maximus porttitor, tortor justo semper turpis, eget consectetur sapien felis sit amet nulla. Pellentesque aliquet at nisi et sodales. Pellentesque leo sem, tempor vestibulum orci quis, interdum fermentum metus. Cras vel tincidunt metus. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi mollis euismod nisl, vitae tempor orci pellentesque id.

+ status, genre, rating, etc.

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00 Month 0000. Day. Time.

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