Personal Message
Future dps
shon minho
born in south korea, minho and his family moved to hokkaido, japan when he was still a little kid. as an only child of two intellectuals, he has always gotten what he wanted even though his desires could be compared to a lifelong minimalist's one - he wasn't like the other kids around, didn't hanker for plastic toys as long as he had a few sticks, stones and the whole afternoon for himself. school wasn't truly a problem for him although his grades could have been better - he never cared too much about his notes and despite his mother's common dissatisfied expressions, linked to shaking her head and sighing heavily. having gotten a grasp of himself in the last year of high school, the male applied to study medicine at one of tokyo's best universities. having moved to the capital, his life mainly consisted of sleepless nights, study crams and a mixture of black coffee and disgusting energy drinks. he was very active in the non-conformist millieu, organizing protests and simply trying to help others tell apart right from wrong. his life changed after one memorable night - making his way back to his dormitory, he noticed a few thigs harassing a female (her being something along the lines of a e didn't make much of a difference to him) and he... just showed them where they place is. he hasn't really expected them, or better - their friends - to come after him, yet factuality adores the irony one's life can be filled with. being badly beaten up and having been in a coma for two years, minho eventually woke up again, finding himself in the borders of his homeland and unwilling to leave for the country that has been a home to him. dropping his current studies, the male decided to go after what seemed right to him and even though it might have been a totally impulsive choice he's never regretted going for being - not yet famous though ambitious - a theatre actor.
nowadays he tends to be too caught up in trying to acquire roles in theater play to ponder about his past; trying to live every day to its fullest he is commonly seen somewhere around the city, working part-time as a waiter in a restaurant at the other end of the city taken his current home's localization or meeting up with friends. if not, he is most probably in his apartment, spending time with his second half.
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rather tranquil and self-effacing, minho isn't truly your typical introvert. he spends a lot of time on his own, however he doesn't shun contact with other people - the fact that most of then aren't really worth his attention is but a conpletely different thing. he's venturous, impetuous and a bit too bold for his own good. feminist and non-conformist who's not afraid to fight for his beliefs with his fists. he's pretty stubborn, once gotten his mind onto something he won't change it too easily. the type to read and understand the rules before trying to break them.
if the stars don't shine, if the moon won't rise, if i never see the setting sun again you won't hear me cry, this i testify; please believe me, girl, you know I won't lie as long as there is nobody baby, but you and me.
you & me
01 pure ooc stuff: my timezone is gmt+1, but i'm practically the human version of the statement 'sleep is for the weak' so just watch me reply at 3am / i go by the name of lexie, so there's no need to call me by my character's name.
02 minho is in a relationship so = no romance, no . except for those, i'm up for any kind of plot! you don't need to have one dreamt up already, i get ideas quite fast so just let me know what you're in the mood for and we can start rping.
03 i mostly stick to para/multipara and if you're lucky you might even get sth along the lines of novella. my preferred pov is 3rd, but i can also do 1st if you really can't do the first option.
04 if you reply with a one liner i'll kick you and you'll fly to the moon. i treat rping quite seriously and i expect others to write at least one long paragraph. you don't need to mirror the length of my replies and i know it's hard to come up with something decent at times, but at least try not to irritate me with short stuff.
05 it usually takes me from a few hours to a day to reply. i'm a pretty busy human-being, even though i've got vacations. poke me after three days hence i might have forgotten to reply. if i won't be able to reply to you within a day, i'll let you know per pm.
06 if you aren't content with the plot you've come up with, please let me know. i don't like dropping stuff while being in the middle of it, so tell me if you want the plot to take other turns as i'm usually open to changes.
07hmu per pm if you wanna chat
out of character
night to day / you were never a problem and i'm so sorry for ever making you feel like you were. i'm having a hard time coping with the idea that the person i knew so well is someone past tense and who you are now is someone new and real and completely unbeknownst to me. i don't know you now. but i knew you then. and i'm glad i've gotten the chance.+ available (0/1), angst, past friendship/romance, drama?
the one who sees / we know so little about each other but i can say the smallest parts that i do know, like and admire so much. i just wanted to say thank you for making me feel like someone worth knowing; and not just the me that i chose to display myself, but the me that leaks through when no one's looking. + available (0/1), friendship, drama?, angst?.
friendship, about that bitterness / i'll eat tuna sashimi every second day, i'll eat the finest day every day, i'll give a party every night so i can fill myself up with fatty food; even today i could do exactly that - once you repay me my money. + available (0/1), friendship, comedy, fluff.
encounters / You greeted me in the strangest way this morning when I was getting my mail and we’ve been neighbors for like 3 years and this is the first time you’ve ever spoken to me I have no idea what is going on + available (0/1), comedy, first encounters, possible friendship.
Title / Nullam porttitor, mauris ut molestie varius, ex est luctus sem, quis posuere massa arcu ac elit. Fusce justo orci, volutpat at lectus ac, mattis placerat lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sit amet odio odio. Praesent feugiat dapibus nisi, ut euismod leo suscipit a. + status, genre, rating, etc.
icons / friends
victoria / waiting...
jinah / plotting...
jongin / plotting...
jaewon / plotting...
character / status...
character / status...