
i am the damned - a sinner, a wretch, a demon, oh, such a foul demon.


current levels

mood 94%


muse 31%


quality 62%


speed 85%


activity 70%


basic information


Duck, Duk2, Duckie


appears 37
actually ??

date of birth

August 7, xxxx

place of birth




cause of death

rock(?) to the head,
Multiple times


?? – no label

relationship status


writing style

para, semi, mirror

pov preference




abandoned. Left to rot in the very place "good sinners" are sent after death.

Tl:Dr after death he woke up in purgatory where he was tortured for "minor" sins he doesn't remember committing at all. Time moves faster in purgatory, therefore while only a handful of centuries passed here he was there for some thousand odd+ years. The reaper community had pulled him from purgatory just before he could accept a demon's offer of change. Jaeduck doesn't believe it was a coincidence. On the outside he's the most cheerful reaper you have ever met, while deep lies the broken man.



name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Sed semper tellus in tempor volutpat. Vivamus viverra dictum lorem ut egestas. Fusce pulvinar, augue vel malesuada pulvinar, nisl velit mattis diam, sed dignissim magna massa nec lorem. Nullam at pretium nunc, pharetra iaculis enim. Aenean pellentesque nisi a ante feugiat porttitor. Ut leo metus, aliquam et mauris sit amet, maximus congue tellus. Vivamus tristique ligula ipsum, id euismod quam pellentesque vitae. Suspendisse consectetur enim blandit sem consequat, et congue eros euismod. Nulla vitae sagittis libero. Suspendisse ultrices venenatis leo in tempus. Mauris luctus consequat placerat. Vivamus consequat sodales sapien ac cursus. Etiam posuere ex dolor, efficitur bibendum magna lacinia vel. Sed ornare, mauris nec aliquet viverra, libero tortor pulvinar nisl, vel laoreet nisi tortor sit amet nisl.



coming soon.

+ refuses to kill spirits

+ why he's still a trainee
+ always smiling
+ loves to help others
+ doesn't trust easily
+ suffers night terrors

+ ghost pains of torture
+ as well as insomnia
+ does not remember life
+ adores dogs / puppies


out of character

3rd – para, semi, mirror
detailed 1st (rarely)
gmt-5 / eastern

no one-liners
plotting is a must
don't poke if < week
my replies can be slow
random starter = maybe

rules on ;
no extreme
no electric play
No watersports
No toilet play
No (anything w/ waste)



Vivamus rutrum interdum nisl, vel tristique mauris aliquet ut. Curabitur in venenatis metus, ut facilisis metus. Nunc ac sagittis odio. Sed nec mauris ex. Etiam magna metus, mattis ut ullamcorper nec, rhoncus et orci. Sed feugiat, massa sed convallis ultrices, libero metus condimentum lectus, vitae facilisis turpis lectus id nunc. Curabitur aliquet hendrerit dolor sit amet euismod. Etiam sed eros accumsan, cursus turpis vitae, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum lobortis lectus pharetra purus aliquam facilisis. Nunc ac diam feugiat, lobortis lacus facilisis, molestie ante. Mauris viverra sagittis dui a varius. Praesent eget viverra nisi. Pellentesque venenatis dictum eros eget euismod. Proin maximus massa neque, vel congue odio tristique ut. Maecenas congue purus at mauris tristique placerat.

Donec nibh felis, sagittis a varius in, placerat id ipsum. Suspendisse euismod sapien metus, euismod fermentum magna molestie ac. Nunc tempor iaculis maximus. Duis nec semper dolor. Maecenas ut ex vehicula, dapibus leo sit amet, congue nibh. In venenatis leo in ipsum gravida blandit. Donec auctor pulvinar tellus ac dictum. Curabitur rutrum suscipit turpis et porttitor. Donec semper odio massa.



who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.