Personal Message
I. you and i both know we're gay. however, we want to try out this 'straight' thing. so we do things a straight couple would do. we fool around, have fun. no real strings attached. (can also be a straight x gay dynamic). male only. available.
II. everyone thinks we're straight because we're best friends, and even though we're constantly trying to ocnvince the media otherwise, they wont have it. so, we have to go underground and sneak around to hang out. running away from papparazi, things like that. male only. available.III. ive had this huge crush on you for ages, but you've always thought i had my eye on someone else. so when i finally confess, you're taken aback. insecurity floods my veins and i pull away from you completely, becoming closed off. (can either lose friendship or become closer). female only. closed. tiffany.
IV. i need a release, and so do you. we dont think about anything but providing for ourselves. therefore, we act on it. ** this is a thing, ofc with consent ** male or female. available.
more to come soon.