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this happened
b. joohyun 1 hour ago Reply
hhnnggg yes daddy-
j. dahye [A] 1 minute ago Reply
b. joohyun 46 seconds ago Reply
Man, I really love Kyungsoo.
l. mijoo 2 minutes ago Reply
sees kyungsoo
stares back with the biggest smile that his presence put her face
call me kyungsoo's lil princess
k. jinhwan 12 seconds ago Reply
kyungsoo is so cold hearted
g. ariana 9 seconds ago Reply
Soo is such a sadist
l. guanlin 7 seconds ago Reply
We all know kyungsoo is the only lucifer in this world
exo's monster suddenly started playing
b. baekhyun 3 minutes ago Reply
heart eyes at kyungsoo for the first time in forever but by first i mean like 98274959291st
o. sehun 4 minutes ago Reply
kyungsoo's dp just screams daddy
o. sehun 3 minutes ago Reply
Goodnight, Soo.
My dreams are always sweet because you're in them
@d. kyungsoo Your baby.
o. sehun 10 minutes ago Reply
@d. kyungsoo Yours.
01 // both detailed 1st & 3rd pov. 2-3 paragraphs for 1st, multipara to novella when 3rd. i do however end up mirroring the effort of my partner.
02 // all genres welcomed except romance. it has to come naturally.
03 // very slow replies. both ic and ooc.
04 // poke after a week if we're doing 1st and after 2 weeks if we're doing 3rd.
05 // don't disrespect or annoy me.
:// plots
01 // We both have friends who party too hard and we keep running into each other in the bathroom while we hold their hair back.
02 // It’s 3 am and you’re blasting off classic rock at full volume and your music taste might be awesome but sOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO ING SLEEP YOU HEAD
03 // I was walking by a roller coaster and your shoe flew off and hit me in the head and now I’m on the floor trying not to fall unconscious.
04 // We met in a movie theatre and now you’re clinging to me because you're terrified and I’m okay with that because it means I get your popcorn.
05 // It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single.
06 // every time you sneak out of your damn house you go through my yard and my dogs won’t shut up and I am tired of it prepared to be soaked with water guns on your way to your next party
07 // we’re stuck in a convenience store because there’s a huge- storm and you’re freaking the out because you’re terrified so i guess since i’m your best friend i’ll just sit with you in this aisle and sing to you to try and calm you down.
08 // I love this movie and it’s the second time I come to the cinema to watch it but I accidentally spoiled you while we were in line to buy the ticket, can I make it up to you with a drink afterwards?
09 // It’s 10:30 at night and I left my glasses at home so I can’t read any of these labels and you’re one of the only people in the grocery store and GODDAMMIT DO YOU HAVE ANY TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT CHUNKS
10 // hey quit kicking the back of my seat it’s a 10 hour flight.