Personal Message
about me and personality.
Growing up on the poor side of seoul gave Hyuk the hard childhood he had experienced despite having a loving grandma to fall back on a little later, he was kicked out of his parents house at the age 15 which for him was a good and bad thing, his parents were alcoholics and drug addicts and they would even sometimes abuse him, finding his way around on his own for at least a year before his grandparents found out he had been abandoned by his own deadbeat parents and without a second thought they had brought him in as their own and raised him from that point on.
However he himself was never satisfied with the lifestyle. although his grandparents had offered to take care of everything he was never the dependent type, getting a job at 16 to save up and help out as much as he could with his grandparents. although things still weren't great, soon he had dropped out of school a year before graduation the same year he moved out of his grandparents place after years of diligently saving up. he finally has an apartment of his own and stable job along with it, working as a bartender, it isn't the best paying job but its working for him well now. his dream is to become a singer but for now bartending will have to suffice.
He has a bad habit of using drugs and substances more in likely obtaining the bad trait from his parents he hides that fact from his grandparents that often call up and check up on how he's doing, he wouldn't consider himself addicted as he could stop at any given moment(or at least thats what he tells himself) he takes it to ease his mind and rid himself of the worries of life.
Dean is a cool and collected person, one that doesn't always speak up or speak at all for that matter, he isnt exactly a timid person he just isnt fond of talking too much. albeith he becomes a nearly entirely different person when intoxicated or high, he can get moody and temperamental and in some cases loud too which is the complete opposite of how he usually behaves, despite that he is quite friendly and laidback and a rather chill guy in fact.
out of character and plots.
I don't like talking ooc unless plotting.
Timezone: gmt -5
Pov style: detailed 1st or 2nd pov, rarely third pov. plot in pm, usually don't like winging it but it's fine probably won't reply walls fast if in room
Writing style: semi para to para but mirrors
Genres prefrences: anything but comedy and plotted r/s. exes/old lovers is fine
Genre dislikes: crack on wall, comedy, forced fluff.
Warnings: don't give me less than four sentences at least or I will become bored and no longer rp with you
I'm on 23/6 so expect fast replies unless I'm busy or backed up on replies.
Plot title | plug
requirement | drug dealer or connect to one
genres | angst
availibility | open
he's dean #1 go to drug guy, they chill and shoot up or smoke together.
Plot title | regular
requirement | none
plot desc | he often goes to the club dean works at and specifically ask for dean as his bartender.
availibility | open
Plot title | here
requirement | here
genres | here
availibility | open
Plot title | here
requirement | here
genres | here
availibility | open
Kwon Hyuk
22 years old
Hates birth name
Single, not looking
Bartender &
Song writer
yuta nakamoto[A] 1 second ago Reply
dean is a queen