Personal Message
You smeared honey on my body
you'll punish me
— About The Prince
A bit of a trouble maker, more of a flirt, kind of a maniac, full on freak.
I grew up in a small town where it was not acceptable to be gay in any way. i knew i liked boys from the age of 12 and i have always been beyond frustrated having to be around them all the time and not have any fun. Now that i am on my own i found CB ROM where i can let out all my built up frustrations and desires.
No i did not go to college though i had i would be more of a hot mess than i am now with all the parties. I live happily alone with my cats and i have to come in every other night at 10 to stream. Don't forget to stay tuned ;)
— Rescuer of His
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus at luctus urna. Sed ligula leo, convallis at sapien et, pulvinar convallis ipsum. In in sagittis nisi. Aliquam aliquet urna pharetra pellentesque convallis. Quisque pulvinar arcu in arcu scelerisque, quis egestas nulla venenatis.
Duis tellus ligula, mattis et nibh eu, mattis imperdiet purus. Sed luctus, ipsum nec commodo lacinia, neque orci varius turpis, sit amet hendrerit urna felis sed massa. Mauris nisi ipsum, tincidunt vitae purus eu, hendrerit vestibulum mauris. Nunc aliquet ac nibh nec sodales. Etiam venenatis vel nibh lacinia convallis.
Fusce mattis, diam sed feugiat imperdiet, eros lectus lacinia sapien, porta lobortis ligula ex sed velit. Mauris fringilla vehicula dapibus. Morbi eu ante quis orci interdum ultrices. Ut quam dolor, lacinia sed sollicitudin non, suscipit malesuada turpis. Nam at tellus vel felis molestie consequat sed eget est.
— Precious People
— Out of Character
USERNAME: ohmegusta
TIMEZONE: Texas central
Mostly every day from 3-5:30 i have dance practice and mostly every Friday i have football games from 7-11. I'm using my time for this information