Personal Message


6:45 am
Dahye's Phone
anon #3
anon #3
anon #4
stash box

Jang Dahye aka Heize is a rapper and dance instructor in the entertainment industry. She grew up in South Korea not knowing who her father was, so her mother raised her. When Dahye was younger she usually snuck out of the house and went to the art district in order to showcase her two talents, dancing and rapping. One day a talent scout discovered her and researched her on YouTube and when Heize was of age he offered her a chance to be an idol. She gladfully accepted. Heize is well aware of the killjoys and she doesn't intend to let them kill her spirit with their blatant lies and rumors.




As for Heize's personality she is very serious when she's in the studio, the seriousness she oozes only disappearing if she pulls an all nighter and in place of it she turns into a complete goofball. Outside of work however, Heize is usually cooped up in her house or at a cafe where she writes fictional stories with fictional characters or taking pictures of scenery or aesthetics to post on social media. On nights where she gets bored of staying home with her cat LaLa, Heize goes to nightclubs where she shows off her dance moves and maybe takes a couple of shots. On weekends she sometimes even vlogs or she vlogs to her fans when she's in the studio. Heize adores her fans since they have gotten her to where she is now.








1st & 3rd

Maecenas fringilla laoreet orci, et blandit nunc pellentesque et. Nam pellentesque id lectus eu accumsan. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sit amet orci in tellus tincidunt consequat. Mauris ut ex vulputate, euismod elit in, ultricies lectus. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis velit vel dapibus. Suspendisse ipsum risus, aliquam eu nisi consectetur, rutrum molestie felis. Duis non felis lacinia, scelerisque est laoreet, volutpat dui. Vivamus consectetur magna in ex fringilla sollicitudin.

Jang Dahye