notes for myself as I make my character whoop dee doo how to make a character 101 loo k a w ay m a te:
Things to consider: Parents? Siblings? Past life? School life? Enviromental and genetic factors that shaped her personality. Past relationships? Religion? Lifestyle choices? What does she want in a relationship and does it clash with her life? Too much? Too little?
Take some traits from real Irene and incorporate them into her to make it more believeable but don't do too much,, this is an au sweetie!! (and also from myself so it is easier to rp)
Have some flaws, nobody is perfect b and it gives the character depth,,, nobody likes a character that is seemingly perfect and it looks cringy ok
make decisions and have traits that I may disagree with so I have nervous breakdowns but also have fun
Some basic sh i t
Wanted to be an idol but could not because of a (genetic?) disease (undetermined as of now)
but still wanted to be in the industry though so had to figure things out
got in with the help of her dashing looks
bae joohyun!
❝ some emo love quote here ❞
Irene | 26 | stylist | biual
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In finibus ipsum sed nunc faucibus viverra. Donec sed neque vitae mi accumsan fringilla at ac ex. Proin mollis tempor sapien non pharetra. Cras pharetra venenatis felis, vitae molestie est co.
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In finibus ipsum sed nunc faucibus viverra. Donec sed neque vitae mi accumsan fringilla at ac ex. Proin mollis tempor sapien non pharetra. Cras pharetra venenatis felis, vitae molestie est co
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