Personal Message
basic information
the shorthand stuff.
Alias(es): Burgundy.
Date of Birth: March 25.
Age: 20.
Place of Birth: XXX.
Current Location: XXX.
MBTI: Intp-t.
Occupation: Photographer.
Orientation: Panual.
Relationship Status: XXX.
about where i'm from.
In the city where apartments and buildings were close enough to nag the thinnest of threads, where the human population swarmed and buzzed like a honey comb, Weilong was birthed on the living room floor. A risk it was, but a risk to take when the monthly money due was beginning to pile on top of itself.
Due to financial drawbacks, he and his older sister were forwarded to their aunt in a serene, remote location in Korea. It was here that he received his first camera: summer, 2007. Out of his ten years of living, he'd never experienced nothing quite as beautiful as the Canon Powershot — with it equipped, he had the ability to freeze time and save it forever in a sea of pixels.
Along with his electronic companion, Weilong was brought up wealthily. When his nose wasn't smothering itself into his growing collection of cameras, film and photos he was being homeschooled. Social skills were never truly developed, so even now he has difficulty getting his point across to unfamiliar faces. Despite the minor setback, he was able to attain a decent education and a keen eye for splendor.
At the tender age of eighteen, he had decided it was about time to move on with his life. He had never ventured farther than ten miles in either direction of his house, but the longing feeling to capture the rest of the world with his camera, along with a few other varying factors (this is for another time) drove him to set off for the start of his life.
about who i am.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec et nisi dolor. Sed commodo hendrerit ante, eget placerat urna porta id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce nulla felis, condimentum a enim gravida, sagittis ullamcorper arcu. Etiam ac rhoncus mauris, sit amet lobortis ipsum. Integer est nunc, facilisis gravida nunc nec, tempor pharetra felis. Nullam cursus mauris ut blandit venenatis. Integer ut metus libero. Sed aliquet finibus nisl, sed lacinia ligula condimentum blandit. Duis ultrices quis velit non eleifend. Etiam commodo facilisis nulla, et sodales lectus volutpat ut. Nunc at magna consectetur, euismod sapien non, fringilla arcu. Nullam ullamcorper, justo in dignissim luctus, est nulla suscipit augue, vitae dignissim neque lacus et nunc. Mauris mattis iaculis sapien, sed suscipit arcu consectetur at.
Vestibulum sed orci ac est ultrices elementum nec vel enim. Proin in ante sit amet mi posuere aliquam sit amet eget sapien. Aliquam mi lacus, accumsan eget lacus id, consectetur efficitur purus. Pellentesque porttitor urna eu enim gravida vestibulum. Donec non posuere ligula. Nunc nisl erat, venenatis ac leo eu, porttitor rutrum leo. Ut pellentesque quam vitae tellus sodales ullamcorper. Vestibulum cursus neque enim, egestas porttitor massa eleifend sed. Morbi eu diam scelerisque nulla efficitur cursus laoreet vel nisl.
my beloved
the love of my life.
Donec sagittis rutrum orci vitae fermentum. Curabitur semper tellus sed mauris vehicula, vel ultrices justo mattis. Integer et diam vitae tellus blandit ultrices et in velit. Duis vitae diam quis erat sollicitudin luctus a eget arcu. Fusce id arcu euismod felis dignissim interdum. Nulla maximus orci justo, vestibulum suscipit sapien posuere id. Mauris urna purus, luctus non suscipit at, egestas eu mi. Etiam maximus rhoncus eros at consequat.
my family
those who know me too well.
my friends
those close to me.
behind the scenes
about the typist/writer.
I. Hello there, and welcome to my unfinished profile. I see that you're interested enough to stalk, so why not stay a little bit longer and say hello. Come on, don't be rude and leave me hanging! Anyway, I don't bite unless I've specified to you that I do. Continue reading to learn a little more about me.
II. Gmt -8. You can usually find me online from 5-8pm. I go to bed super early and wake up at the crack of dawn for work.
III. I honestly despise clingy, overly ditzy, try-to-be-cutesy characters, please don't bring those around me. I'll make my character barf in your character's boots... Not really, but you get the point.
IV. I rp either pov. The length varies depending on muse and what I have to work with, but I try to mirror.
V. I like to believe that I'm dumb as . Please don't batter and pummel me down with a million words and metaphors that have me asking google for help. I'll begin to crack and grow crows feet as I pull together a pretentious reply. Gives me hella anxiety.
VI. I'm running out of to say.
VII. I'm busy. Poke me only after a week has passed.
a few scenarios.
Title here
Status, genre, rating, etc.
Praesent nulla sapien, convallis in tincidunt eget, faucibus quis felis. Aliquam orci risus, condimentum in massa in, viverra venenatis lacus. Nulla auctor venenatis iaculis. Phasellus eleifend lorem eu justo volutpat, non faucibus mi vehicula. Praesent egestas rhoncus eros vel ullamcorper. In euismod non erat eget pharetra. Pellentesque ac est quam. Etiam rutrum ac lectus non mollis. Phasellus at neque mi. Vestibulum in magna euismod, congue enim in, porttitor nunc. Nunc dictum aliquet dolor id dignissim. Phasellus finibus finibus felis, id interdum neque ullamcorper ac.
Title here
Status, genre, rating, etc.
Curabitur magna nibh, euismod sed quam nec, dapibus aliquet felis. Quisque nibh ligula, volutpat vel lorem eu, pretium eleifend quam. Donec sit amet justo magna. Nam non ultrices nibh, sed sodales felis. Donec porttitor bibendum lectus. Donec sed urna faucibus, faucibus ipsum at, laoreet magna. Vestibulum tempor, felis quis tempor ultricies, leo mauris ultricies ligula, et scelerisque ligula nisl ut lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque vitae ante lacinia, aliquam mauris ut, volutpat purus.