
Name: Min Yoongi

Position: Staff. Basically a lifeguard on land. Certified in First Aid, Title 22, CPR/AED for the Professional Responder, and O2 delivery. 

Background and Personality: 

Yoongi would be considered very blunt with his words and yet sharp at the same time. The formerly aspiring rapper had had plenty of time to hone his wordplay and acidity, and was but an outstretched hand away from signing a contract with a small but promising rap-focused entertainment label, but he'd wanted to think about it, give one last performance at his favorite underground club.

His little sister (not related, just a neighbor kid that Yoongi helped babysit since she was a literal baby and who he suspected had a huge case of hero worship where it came to him) decided to try and sneak into that club, using her skills as an aspiring makeup artist and rapper to get her way in. A blend of swearing, eye-batting, name-dropping, and artfully applied powders and accessories had her teetering into the club to see her favorite bro's last performance. How a 12 year could have gotten into that club was beyond Yoongi's reckoning, but somehow one of Yoongi's friends found her adorable and decided to take her in just - and only just - to see AGUST D's final set. 

Before he could finish, though, a scuffle broke out in the crowd and Yoongi jumped off stage to get to the kid. Shouting, shoving, pandemonium, and by the time Yoongi grabbed her and dragged her outside, she was strangely quiet. Eyes all big and face pale, and Yoongi looked down to see her hands clutched over an alarming amount of red on her abdomen.

No one there knew much about first aid, and she soon bled out in Yoongi's arms. He dropped his dream of becoming a rapper and instead starting pushing for the necessity of a first responder at clubs and other places of entertainment, getting himself certified with as much as he could, even learning how to swim and becoming a lifeguard for a summer just so he could have a place to get his recerts.


Now he works at the newest club in town after his previous stint didn't pan out, and his office (more of a refurbished supply closet, really) is one of the cleanest rooms in a 5 mile radius. Yoongi makes sure of exact numbers of everything in his office in multiples of 5 - gauze pads, bandaids, gloves... even Q-tips and fluid ounces in his containers of antiseptic fluid. Twice a day he cleans the place, coming in early and leaving late. Though he is known as a stickler for hygiene and spotlessness, it's not uncommon to see him toting a black and neon-pink first aid kit outside where some unfortunate drunk tripped and fell and skinned their knees up.


If one happens to be sober enough to get a good look, there's an old photo tucked into one of the clear zippered pockets, a kindergardener holding a baby who couldn't be older than 6 months old.