Personal Message

Jongin had served in the military since he was 18. he livedfor the adventure, the exploration, but when it came to his first tour, that's how he fell out of love. ever since then it was "i can't wait to get back home." and once he did, it was right back out again for a second tour. this one... it just seemed to be worse. the nightmares were re-lived. this time... devenitely even worse. he lost his best friend. he would have his own life as well if it weren't for the bomb dog that he'd worked with the most, bucky. the canine had saved his life at the cost of his sister's own. he was afraid the dog would suffer ptsd right along with him, since that was what kicked him out of the military, but come to find out a few months later, his furry friend was re-trained as a seeing eye dog to someone who might have needed him (okay both him and the dog) just as much as he needed the new owner... chanyeol.

Jongin tries to be a happy go lucky jokester, but sometimes his ptsd gets the best of him whether it's in the form of paranoia or depression. There's some days he won't want to go to work, others he's right back at it. other's he physically can't because he's curled up in a ball under his bed attempting to hide from the fireworks or thunder crackling away and making him think there's a war going on right outside his apartment instead of in his memories. other than that, he's as soft hearted and caring as can be. he was trained to be observant, so he tends to stick to his guns and what he knows since it hasn't gotten him this far in life to neglect that.

title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu. 
title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu.
title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu.
title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu.
title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu.
heart attack
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu. Maecenas interdum nibh nec sem tincidunt finibus. Cras eu lectus ac ante posuere iaculis a ultricies diam. Quisque id tempus purus. Sed fringilla est nisi. Donec lacus dolor, hendrerit sit amet euismod eget, finibus sit amet leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
name // 000000
out of character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu. Maecenas interdum nibh nec sem tincidunt finibus. Cras eu lectus ac ante posuere iaculis a ultricies diam. Quisque id tempus purus. Sed fringilla est nisi. Donec lacus dolor, hendrerit sit amet euismod eget, finibus sit amet leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam in nisl non ipsum vulputate malesuada. Praesent dolor elit, pellentesque quis lacinia in, mattis nec diam. Sed nec tincidunt nibh, ut maximus erat. Curabitur fringilla, ipsum quis blandit varius, purus dolor ultrices enim, eget tristique dolor lectus at purus. Cras ipsum purus, gravida eget dui sed, dapibus tristique mauris. Nunc tempor euismod metus, eu accumsan turpis vehicula vel. Mauris sit amet gravida felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer fermentum aliquam massa nec maximus. Ut commodo consequat efficitur. Fusce et gravida odio. Aliquam est diam, accumsan sit amet lobortis in, porttitor vel eros.