Personal Message




Writing Sample: 

The lone silhouette runs amongst the trees in the late hours of night. The trees are his bones and the rivers his veins. The forest is his home, his life, his world. All that he has ever known, all that he will ever know. Coming to a stop, he feels the cool winter winds engulf his lithe body with sweet, gentle kisses and his eyes flutter shut for a moment, lost within the beauty of nature. Jongup sat for a while, observing the snowy landscape that never failed to bring back memories of his time as a lone wolf. He had thought that winter would be easier for him, since prey is concentrated in the lowlands, but without a pack, nothing is easy. He had to cross territories of packs that were threatening to kill him at every turn. Jongup had no protection, no way to get food. Summer was harder still, though. Prey animals are fitter in the summer- harder to catch, and hunting alone was a dangerous task. Without a pack, the hunter could become the hunted, and Jongup know's from first-hand experience; Elk Hooves ing hurt. So to survive, Jongup had to find meals that couldn't fight back. Rabbits, Squirrels, Foxes- things that barely sustained him.

His ears perk at the sound of whispering leaves - signalling the approach of another, successfully snapping Jongup out of his nostalgic memories. His nose twitches at the smell of his pack, and his body relaxes. Where he was once one, there are now many. Jongup would do everything within his power to keep it that way.



 Jongup's Moons lmao

basic info

name: Moon Jongup
pack/rank: Vesi/epsilon (omega)
date of birth: febuary 6, 1995
age: 22
occupation: student
relationship status: forever alone



Jongup's birth pack is not the vesi. his old pack had been low in numbers and struggled to make ends meet. their pups had kept dying of starvation during the hard winter months and their already minute numbers were withering away. a finishing blow was delt to the pack when a group of hunters attacked, wiping out jongup's small pack and forcing him to run away from his home. being just an adolescent at the time, jongup had a hard time adapting with being a lone wolf. he'd never hunted on his own before, and he had to figure out how to survive all on his own. the stresses of being a lone wolf proved to be too much for an omega, and as  a result, his body shut down all of it's omega functions. he hadn't gone into heat since his time as a lone wolf, and jongup has doubts that he'll ever even be able to have pups. as such, he's resigned himself to the possibility that no one would ever want a dysfunctional omega as a mate. instead, jongup puts all of his concentration on showing his new pack, the Vesi, his gratitude to them for taking him in. doing everything he can to help out with whatever they may need, and make sure that they stay safe.




Partner: Error 404: lover not found
Since: 00/00/0000
Jongup doesn't see himself ever finding a mate since his body can't perform even the most basic and 'natural' of omega functions anymore. he's not sure what he has to offer to any mate if his body can't do what normal omegas can do. he feels an almost inadequacy at not being able to reproduce, so he doesn't want to deal with the stress, expectations and disappointment of having a mate. instead, he throws himself into his position in the pack, and focuses all of his energy on doing his job correctly.


out of character

01. utc - 7
02. would rather plot than wing
03. i try to mirror whatever i get in responses.
04. no one-liners, please ~
05. writing in the third person is perfered, but i am able to do first pov.
06. my name is chole~ Nice to meet you.



Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Ut ornare sem eget magna bibendum blandit nec in justo. Aliquam vitae pretium magna, non scelerisque erat. Cras maximus nulla augue, non tempor odio rutrum id. Aenean eu lacus sed ipsum dapibus maximus. Quisque molestie fermentum massa. Duis congue turpis eros. Vestibulum ultricies sit amet ligula ut sollicitudin.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Mauris in viverra mi. Donec luctus ante nibh, nec aliquam elit bibendum quis. In vitae egestas purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus blandit dapibus ante eleifend laoreet. Mauris eros nisl, tincidunt tristique sapien sit amet, rhoncus congue metus. Integer sagittis fermentum mollis.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Duis turpis ligula, venenatis ut molestie ac, suscipit lacinia nunc. Nulla molestie urna et ante accumsan tempor. Aliquam interdum neque nec est tincidunt commodo. Nullam porta ligula at lacus finibus consectetur. Donec id orci felis. Sed vel nunc consequat arcu pulvinar fermentum vel nec ipsum. Nullam dapibus ullamcorper nibh, ac feugiat quam facilisis quis. Suspendisse potenti.








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