Personal Message
Personal Information
name — ahn heeyeon
age — 29
dob — 05.01.1992
status — single & bi
Ahn Heeyeon,Kishijoten 吉祥天, the goddess of luck,prosperity, fertility and beauty. But with all those titles, she must've felt lonely. She already knew this but, people only get close to her in hoping for the goddess of luck smile upon their life, taking advantage of her powers. Humans are selfish we all know that, but Hani cannot help but to admire this creatures who ought to strive hard through their life, and thus she came down to earth, in a small town where her identity is an author of a book called "Understanding Humans"- she want to know more, she's desperate for knowledge.
about hani

since 00.00.00
biual + single
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gmt+8; first pov, writing style differs; on mobile 90% of the time; speed depends on muse

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aliquam ullamcorper ligula varius arcu sollicitudin molestie. duis gravida, turpis in posuere luctus, mi metus congue orci, eu venenatis est leo sed nisi. aliquam erat volutpat. etiam bibendum dapibus commodo.