
Birthday: Feb. 3

Age: 15 (First year)

Clique/Hangout: Rebel

Brief personality: Kyuhyun is cold, cocky and bossy at first... Well he's mostly always like that. But once you get to know him he can be sweet and caring. He doesn't take from no one so don't tell him what to do, even if your close friends. He has a completely different personality if he is at a good foster home.

Brief  background: His father abused his mother, nearly killing her. But Kyuhyun had stabbed his father to prevent him from doing so. That was at age 8. Since then he has hopped from foster home to foster home. He learned that he has an older sister who left him when he was born. He also has a half brother who is in a gang. His parents were elite people and knew Thunder's parents, making them childhood 'friends'. He is on scholarship.