Personal Message
Son Hyunwoo
jung yunho
his story
The Bang family is known throughout the entire globe for their success in multiple business cores with electronics as their main sector. This however results in both of his parents to constantly travel around the world and rarely reside in their household. Being born as an only child after a one year marriage and their business booming with success, they had simply neglected Yongguk to venture out their business across the world. Yongguk had a nanny a few times since he was three years old but stopped having one once he had reached the suffice age of a young teenager. He grew up with the lack of family love and care or paternal love in a more greater sense. The young man simply met with his parents that he still do love and adore despite the lack of meeting, only once a month, leaving him with money deposited in his bank account and a simple hug and kiss on the forehead.
about him
Yongguk is a 27 year old senior college who is currently taking his masters in Masters of Music in Music Production, and he is also the college's kickboxing champion that wins the hearts of many people with his simply shy personality that doesn't matches his brute looks. He has been doing kickboxing since his middle school years spontaneously, and it has somehow become his passion and hobby as he grew up. Just like his shy traits, the young man is quiet and enjoys to be the listener instead, and he just likes to be in a smaller group of friends or people rather than being in a big rowdy crowd. During his free time, he wouldn't go out from his house but he would stayed cooped up in his small makeshift studio that his parents aren't aware of since he had told them that he has been majoring in business management from the beginning of his college year. Prior to this, Yongguk doesn't want to take over the family business as he wants to continue pursuing his sports career and become the national's kickboxing champion.
est 00.00.00
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