choi jinri
im not a , i just love love.
Choi jinri, also known as sulli, is a twenty three year old student teacher in high school. she's bicurious, single and not exactly ready to mingle. due to the pressures of her friends and family members, she is forced to look for a partner. a woman who enjoys her freedom and being a bachelorette, she doesnt waste her time in personally looking for the man but instead turns to the internet, aka, to do the job for her. jinri is confident, knows what she wants and has a tendency to flirt with men, sometimes students when she's in the mood. 
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in tempus tellus. Vivamus vel dapibus nisi. Ut feugiat leo et lectus ullamcorper pulvinar. Cras tristique eleifend rutrum. Cras vitae lorem a nisi imperdiet volutpat sit amet sit amet ligula. Donec ipsum velit, vulputate vel molestie eu, auctor et enim. Quisque velit turpis, semper at varius a, convallis quis tellus. Nam at nibh sit amet dui vulputate efficitur. Sed hendrerit, neque in elementum semper, neque lectus semper ante, vel gravida odio augue non neque.
⎯ where flowers grow, so does hope.