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❉。 k. jisoo 27 seconds ago Reply
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jessa (scroll).
★ Motto:
reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.
— c.s lewis
full name jessa hinton
nickname(s) jess
date of birth april 10th, 1989
age 28 years
place of birth berlin, germany
zodiac ares
mbti ENTJ
occupation guard
orientation panual
relationship status single
muse level
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060417who i am
They'd left the door unlocked
she'd known of it, but they'd dismissed her 'paranoia'.
now they were dead - their faces frozen forever in terror, the sharp tang of iron and death and constricting her lungs and making her retch.
you should have listened
jessa was the product of a e's coupling with a stranger in the city of berlin, germany. despite this, her mother took great pains to ensure that her daughter had a normal life ー she'd arranged for a nursemaid of korean origin to educate her daughter during her early years, until the woman had to return to her homeland. much of jessa's life was spent utilizing the brothel as her home (it was disguised as a small motel), her mother's earnings the means by which she'd procured her education. the brothel was a minuscule facet of a large crime syndicate, and when the madame rebelled in a foolish bout of lovelorn selfishness, a mass extermination of all the workers was the result. jessa was exempted from the tragedy as her room was the attic of the establishment, and consequently overlooked..
jessa's nursemaid had had misconstrued knowledge of her employer's profession, thinking her to be an affluent counselor in germany - a notion that was truth until jessa's mother lost her original job. when the nursemaid learned of her previous employer's death (minus the circumstances), she offered to take jessa under her wing; a generous offer that the girl accepted so as to piece together the shards of her fragmented life. she developed obsessive compulsive tendencies and a burning need for order, so she found channeling these things into a job in law enforcement the best course of action. she's now a warden, and she wears the complication of her past in the form of her uniform day by day.
ddmmyy my beloved
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Vestibulum elementum venenatis orci, at sollicitudin turpis tempus vel. Suspendisse sagittis nunc euismod lacus consectetur, a venenatis risus consectetur. Etiam lacinia fermentum quam, eget ultricies neque accumsan in. Etiam varius gravida lacus, eu consectetur nisi venenatis in. Suspendisse sagittis purus vel justo imperdiet, vitae malesuada nisi imperdiet. Morbi malesuada turpis non ipsum imperdiet tempus. Duis ornare pellentesque commodo. Praesent mauris massa, consequat fermentum turpis at, tempor tincidunt orci. Duis dignissim urna sed convallis suscipit. Duis vitae nisl egestas mi auctor posuere mattis ac eros.
ddmmyy keeping tabs
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wherewho status
wherewho status
wherewho status
060417what i'm like
jessa's obsessive compulsive, and holds herself at a rigidity that is both to her and others' detriment. she's given to derogatory commentary and sarcasm, and though not fundamentally evil, she prefers to study her comforts by the light of others' misfortunes. her ocd manifests subtly in her work environment - for example, she may have a fit if the inmates do not comply with what she thinks to be an established pattern of behaviour or ritualistic. she actually longs to be a comforting figure, but finds this goal to remain elusive due to nitpicky behaviours and her austere tongue.
fun fact: she has a german accent and swears frequently in this language.
ddmmyy behind the scenes
001 / i'm alex.
002 / i write detailed first and third; i have no preference between the two. first is quicker, and third is obviously more complex and suitable for deeper plotlines.
003 / pm to plot, walls are for rping.
004 / I like to abide by an ask first, start first rule, but i do not adhere to this all the time.
005 / i'm comfortable with all genres. i commonly do angst, drama, comedy, , etc; but romance i prefer to either happen naturally or be very loosely plotted.
006 / feel free to hit me up, i don't bite! plots shall be up soon.
ddmmyy a few scenarios
Maecenas tincidunt consectetur malesuada. Integer dui magna, aliquam non justo nec, malesuada pulvinar neque. In non ullamcorper odio, eu viverra risus. Sed sit amet porta lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam aliquet sed tellus nec rhoncus. Fusce euismod mi quis nibh interdum, a mattis lectus euismod. Aenean laoreet quam eu tempor porttitor. Nullam vel feugiat eros.
Fusce ex sapien, feugiat id blandit a, mattis a tellus. Mauris tempus mollis mauris, nec sagittis mi ornare sed. Cras viverra eros at est consectetur interdum. Duis commodo felis vel dui euismod, non ullamcorper arcu congue. Mauris ac odio in nisi sagittis auctor. Morbi massa dui, tristique ornare mollis vitae, pellentesque sed ante. Vestibulum leo neque, mattis eu lacus semper, dictum convallis felis.
ddmmyy my beloved