hong eunki
seventh year
quidditch keeper
180cm - 57kg
biography and personality
eunki is a half-blood wizard, born to a witch mother and a muggle father. he was raised, alongside his older brother junki, among muggles in the center of london thanks to his father's business. growing up, eunki always felt a little different from his family, though he didn't know why as a small child. he felt closer to his mother than his father, as opposed to his brother junki who was clearly the apple of his father's eye. it was no surprise then that, while junki never expressed any magical affinity, eunki was predisposed to clairvoyance.

the young wizard's ability to sense the feelings and intentions of his family members just by touching their clothes or their belongings proved difficult for him. his own feelings would often be influenced, and he sought solace from his mother most often as he felt her love and joy most distinctly. the relationship that was cultivated between mother and son meant that eunki was coddled and at times overly sensitive to others. however, his close relationship with his mother meant that once his letter arrived (and shocked his aging father to the point of a mild cardiac episode), he was far less surprised to discover there was a reason he felt so different from his family.

his mother sent him off to school with a heavy heart, but as much preparation as she could, buying the best supplies that she could along with not only a tarot deck meant to help focus his perceived second sight, but a set of i ching coins as well. by his second year, when it was evident that eunki was developing well as a young wizard in spite of his apparent emotional handicaps, his mother purchased a manx kitten to send with him, which eunki named thumbelina. his father, insisting that his son develop some talent that was suitably "manly," bought him an expensive racing broom and insisted he try out for the quidditch team as it was the closest thing to a sport his son could participate in.

eunki is an earnest, passionate, intelligent young man with a flare for the dramatic which many would deem "flamboyant." now in his seventh year, the young wizard has proven to be affable, reliable, and studious. however, he is also prone to bouts of irrational, wrathful behavior. his biggest flaw is that his feelings and emotions are easily swayed by those of others, however, this is also why he most often surrounds himself with more positive influences like those he identified in his mother.
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plot title | genre, availability, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut auctor orci. Vivamus hendrerit ullamcorper est, a condimentum ex ornare nec. Pellentesque vel lobortis elit.

plot title | genre, availability, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut auctor orci. Vivamus hendrerit ullamcorper est, a condimentum ex ornare nec. Pellentesque vel lobortis elit.

plot title | genre, availability, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut auctor orci. Vivamus hendrerit ullamcorper est, a condimentum ex ornare nec. Pellentesque vel lobortis elit.
my pet & possessions
1. Shangri-la - vixx
2. shine forever - monsta x
3. fxxk it - bigbang
4. stay with me - jay park
5. whisper - vixx lr
6. lotto - exo
7. hole in one - varsity
8. july - kris wu
9. don't wanna cry - seventeen
ooc notes
hey there! you may already know me, or not, but you can call me nicole, nic, whatever my u/n is at the time, or even my muse's name if you like. i'm part of the 20+ club on rpr, i work, and i'm a student. what does that mean for you? three things: one i'm not always online, two i may sometimes be too tired for replies during the week, and three i will not participate in with people in the <18 club. even though I'm an oldie, please don't hesitate to hit me up for rping. i promise i don't bite unless it's consensual ayy. in case you were curious i rp just about anything but i won't plot romance or (those are things which should happen organically, feel me?). the genres i'm least comfortable with, however, are pure action, and pure fluff. i'm just not good at sticking to only high adventure or diabeetus-inducing sugary plots. life should be a mixture of everything anyway, shouldn't it?