Personal Message
kim Jinhwan
❝ Take a simple idea and take it seriously. ❞
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   NP : And July by Heize ft DEAN
Jinhwan was born into a middle class family, just barely getting by, him being the middle son of an older sister and a younger sister. He had no real direction in his life and his parents always directed him towards the medical field, pushin him to become a doctor. This was so they could boast about having such a smart son, and it would bring a good name to their family. After becoming a doctor his family pressured him into getting married right away, as they were trying to control his entire life. However, the girl that his parents wanted him to marry was not Jinhwan's taste, she was a good friend, but they would never be good partners, and it just so happened to be that the girl felt the same way about him. So when Jinhwan got the invitation to the manor from Mr. Body, he decided that it would be a good vacation. Meet other people like him or of different sorts, and possibly make new friends. 
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.
Name | Genre | M / F | ( 0/1 )
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna.
Not Taken.
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
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Name | Status | Location
Name | Status | Location
out of character
GMT :  -5/-6
Writing Style :  preferabbly 3rd but 1st is okay
Reply Speed : 6 / 10

Disclaimer : I am lazy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sapien massa, lobortis a dolor ac, cursus mattis eros. liquam erat volutpat. Aliquam sagittis libero in dui cursus volutpat. Praesent a auctor orci, a lacinia nulla. Aliquam ultricies lectus quis nibh porta vestibulum.
My Gifts
My Memories
Min Yoongi 1 minute ago Reply
Park Jaehyung [SH] 23 seconds ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 2 minutes ago Reply
I don't know odd.
Kim Taehyung 2 minutes ago Reply
what is even...
i love this so much

Min Yoongi 2 hours ago Reply
Jung Hoseok 9 seconds ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 29 seconds ago Reply
No!!!! No!
Change it! To a haunted room!
I love you Jinhwan. xD

Min Yoongi 15 hours ago Reply
I wanna confess that I love Jinhwan too. <3
Since day 1 you've been amazing, and patient, and sweet.
I hope we continue knowing each other a long time!

Min Soff Yoongi 5 minutes ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 58 seconds ago Reply
What the , is Yoongi rubbing off on me ?
Kim Jinhwan [A] 1 minute ago Reply
I'm seriously considering dropping Martin

Kim Jinhwan 2 minutes ago Reply
Min Soff Yoongi 9 minutes ago Reply
Kim Jinhwan [A] 8 minutes ago Reply
Cha Hitman [A] 1 hour ago Reply
“You got to be on and make it active by either it or advertising it”
~Jinhwan 2017
Talking about how to make your rps active. XD
I said that?
Kids. Don't live like jinhwan
I'm setting the example of what not to do y'all. At least I'm doing something good.
Kim Namjoon 14 minutes ago Reply
It was me. I was the one who posted Jinhwan’s name in the confessions. He’s just so/ cute. Like how he gets all insecure about things. And when he gets bored and threatens to destroy things. I destroy things all the time, but I never mean to. He’s just so cute.