Personal Message


Wonho's The mcnugget Enthusiast, he's a pretty chill guy with alot of wits to him. Wonho is the janitor at mcdonalds, he wanted to work on the fryer so he could eat rejected fries and nuggets all day while the manager was away, but he could only grab the janitor job, he isnt complaining much, hes just glad he gets to eat nuggets and fries on break.

About Me

Wonho comes from a family, where they moved alot and got evicted from their home often due lack of money, it has happened 6 times in his life, it started from when he was 12 to until he was 17. They would only be in a house for a year, before they were tired of always trying to look for a home and just decided to move in with their grandmother, who didn't mind it, she enjoyed the company of her daughter and her grandkids. Wonho felt uncomfortable with staying with his grandmother, he felt like he was invading her home, but he was always a depressed, anxiety filled person because of all the moving and always having to say goodbye to friends from school due to it. He would always have school issues, so when he was 17 he just dropped out of school. The depression and the stress just got to him entirely.

Now Wonho's Mother never wanted him to get a job, because she felt like she could bring the food to the table herself. She was the independent type, she didn't want the child to take care of the mother and help the mother out, it was weird to her. She just wanted him to stay home and take care of the grandmother who sometimes had trouble walking alot of the time. he at first obeyed his mother, but over night sent in multiple applications for fast food restaurants and got accepted to be Walmart Mcdonalds Janitor. He was a little upset, but way more happier to know he could help out his mom and his grandmother more, so they have the zero chance of getting evicted, and ever since. He's just been.. kind of living in mcdonalds




Hello thank you for scrolling~ Im just gonna give the basic's, OOC you can call me Kari or Ink. I do prefer 3rd but we can also do 1st person detailed depending on the plot. Im also in school so i may take a little longer to reply than usual, but on weekends and after school i normally have all the time in the world. I enjoy roleplaying on walls just as much as i like roleplaying in a room, if a room is fit for a plot we are doing i may or may not suggest it. Writing style is Semi Para and Para, When it comes to Genre's I can do anything really. I just need to ease my way into it. and thats about it. You can find plots on my profile hopefully in the future!

Also I forgot to mention, I do reply quite fast, but im dealing with 10 other rps so please please be patient! No rudeness allowed! ><, if i dont reply within 10 minutes max, Do pm me.


If you ever wanna rp, lets plot in pm and rp on wall~.


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Title Here.

Donec tincidunt euismod accumsan. Integer felis turpis, faucibus nec elementum eu, dignissim facilisis mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Ut suscipit neque urna, a facilisis orci venenatis ac. Proin sit amet ante maximus, blandit sem et, pulvinar sapien. Nam viverra mi vitae nibh ultrices pretium. Aenean convallis risus in velit viverra, ut pharetra enim congue. Aliquam quis fermentum libero. Aenean semper urna enim, sit amet ultrices est auctor eu. Quisque cursus consequat quam sit amet mattis. Donec non sem tortor. Donec gravida libero sed lacus ullamcorper, et ultricies elit elementum. Sed euismod elit vel dui tempus semper.

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Title Here.

Curabitur nec leo id tellus laoreet rutrum sed non libero. Integer id malesuada lorem. Sed pretium, nisi eu maximus porttitor, tortor justo semper turpis, eget consectetur sapien felis sit amet nulla. Pellentesque aliquet at nisi et sodales. Pellentesque leo sem, tempor vestibulum orci quis, interdum fermentum metus. Cras vel tincidunt metus. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi mollis euismod nisl, vitae tempor orci pellentesque id.

+ status, genre, rating, etc.

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