Personal Message


Growing up in the small city on the outskirts of town, she was safe. She was kept from any harm, she always got along with her school peers, there was never a sad day for her. And although her life seemed perfect and pre - laid out for her, she didn't like it. She had dreams that soared way much higher than her family's small farming business, and that sort of, well, it scared her parents. All they wanted for their little daughter was a peaceful life, but Nayeon didn't yearn for that. Ever since she watched a documentary on criminal justice, that's when she knew that that's what she wanted to do in life. She wanted to be a police officer.
Nayeon's a hard headed woman that has learned that she can achieve anything as long as she puts her mind to it, that everything requires a bunch of effort and that she was ready to give it her all. Like most people, she does often and easily get put down but at the end of the day, she still fights for what she believes in. Her aura of positivism seems to quickly shift into nagging at her classmates, or that's just how they perceive for it to be, which can be a bit difficult to deal with. She's mistaken as chipper, rowdy, uptight - but she's just determined, devoted, and dedicated to what her future has in store for her, than to focus on the present.

im nayeon
twenty one
judy hopps
Plotting in the pms for organization, thank you! I've recently been busy so I may not reply super super super fast, but honestly, if our plot is worth it, then I'd squeeze in time. My timezone is currently gmt -7 and I'd say I'm more chatroom friendly and active, but don't get discouraged! I enjoy third point of view, but I'm chill with first, and any sort of genre is fine with me. Any more questions shall be answered in pms, thank you.