

A few things to be said about Chanyeol, is that you probably shouldn't trust him. His words are all twisted, riddles, but they are all the truth. He hides the truth behind a conniving smile and metaphors, but they're all the truth. He's very charismatic, and seems to always know what you're thinking, or who you are. Sometimes, he claims he has connections to "another side", but no one actually knows what he's talking about. Many believe Chanyeol has problems, some sort of trauma in his past has made him this way, but does anyone actually know beside himself? The real question here is, is he really what he seems to be? Or is he merely a shadow in the night?
Chanyeol grew up in a relatively poor home, the sob story of being the son of a barely there father and a barely there mother, Chanyeol grew up not really having a family. Being the middle child to a drug addicted brother and a dead sister, he didn't actually know what having a family was. His family was never there for him, and they never will be. He knew that, he accepted it, and didn't accept pity from others. 
Truly an unfortunate time was when Chanyeol's brother got into a little too much trouble with a certain dealer, and a certain gang. Threatening to kill his older brother, Chanyeol decided to step up. Chanyeol offered to pay off his brother's debt, and so, that's what Chanyeol does now.
On top of college, Chanyeol's most profitable job is selling the drugs that made his brother sit on a death bed. With Chanyeol's charismatic smile and his loose personality, he makes for the perfect salesman. Creating promises of how good you'll feel once you try the drug, once it enters your system, offering friends, power, even money, all of life's greatest desires. With just a small price, you can be part of Chanyeol's game, and you will feel great. 
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra efficitur nisi, a volutpat turpis ullamcorper nec. Cras varius dolor nec bibendum rutrum. Ut euismod condimentum turpis, eget eleifend leo aliquet sit amet. In vitae odio nunc. Donec interdum risus at ex malesuada, a finibus felis bibendum. Praesent ut augue bibendum, tincidunt metus sed, sagittis odio. Quisque at neque venenatis purus finibus iaculis. Praesent ut augue bibendum, tincidunt metus sed, sagittis odio. Quisque at neque venenatis purus finibus iaculis. Praesent ut augue bibendum, tincidunt metus sed, sagittis odio. Quisque at neque venenatis purus finibus iaculis.