kim irene
Irene is Korean-American. She was born in Seattle and moved to Seoul when she was in middle school. Her parents put her in an international school, where she was one of only two Asian students. She was very Americanized, and barely spoke Korean after she moved. But soon the country became home.
Growing up, Irene never really got to experience being in a loving and accepting family environment. During her teenage days, her parents never supported her huge interest in fashion. Without her parents' permission, she applied for a Degree in Fashion & Textile Design. Later in her life, her parents once again despised her for coming out as a biual. At this point, she only has Barbara as her one and only supporting friend whom then helped her to move out of the house and live an independent life.
Now at 25, she has successfully entered the education industry by being a full time professor in the School of Fashion. She's passionately encouraging a lot of other teenagers to view Fashion knowledge just as valuable as other knowledge.
history / about
the one i cherish
I. Mauris ex lectus, sollicitudin et accumsan id, luctus et tortor.
II. Suspendisse convallis pretium mi, quis interdum libero vehicula eu. Vestibulum id finibus nulla.
III. Maecenas sodales justo quis ante rhoncus scelerisque. Pellentesque mattis pulvinar nunc, vitae luctus nunc sodales a. Suspendisse quis urna turpis.
IV. Donec suscipit, tellus et rutrum finibus, arcu dolor interdum sem, in feugiat turpis ante a nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque porta lobortis lectus. Integer tincidunt, mauris ut aliquet eleifend, nisi justo interdum dolor, laoreet rutrum nisi dui id elit.
V. Nulla faucibus urna quis nunc pharetra imperdiet eget et metus. Integer sagittis, orci quis luctus rutrum, velit ipsum tincidunt arcu, at sagittis ipsum sem vel quam.
VI. Etiam porta rutrum tempor.
VII. Sed sit amet magna eu sem mollis scelerisque.
out of character
friends / icons
kim irene
25 years old
school of fashion