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basic information
full name
kim minkyung
date of birth
july 29 1994
military soldier (brigadier)
writing style
3rd detailed pov. para, semi-novella, mirrored. writes more about thoughts and feelings, actions rather than dialogue.
enyo, greek goddess of war and destruction; harbringer of terror
swan and a sword
kim minkyung
in a village isolated from the rest of the world, deep within the mountains, surrounded by the forest, a tradition was held on for generation after generation. a lady was supposed to be chosen as their goddess' vessel, and was supposed to be secluded from the rest of the world, even from the people around them. that lady was to stay inside the most beautiful home in their vicinity, deprived of any contact from other humans other than the servants serving them. the chosen one was well-kept, pampered and treasured - even worshipped being the vessel of their goddess. 
among the women, ladies and girls in the village, only the prettiest and most beautiful ones were picked. enyo was unfortunate enough to be chosen. 
at the age of four, she was a candidate. months later, she became the vessel. isolated from the rest of the world, she was stripped of her freedom and forced to live a life similar to that of a doll. and she, being the child that she was, could not do anything to fight against the flow of her life. she wasn't even allowed to walk on her own feet. sunlight was forbidden to touch her skin. 
the only thing she had from the outside world was the songs and chatter of her people happily enjoying their freedom. she wished, with all her heart, to be free.
her wish was granted in a way that involved a lot of lives. 
men from another country came invading their own, and minkyung's village wasn't safe from it. she was twelve when her village was attacked, overrun by the soldiers. she was unable to run away, feet unused to her weight, as she waited for her demise inside her home, as the enemies came raiding in. she had accepted her death, waited for it even, as for her, it would serve as the freedom she had been longing for, for so long. 
yet her death did not come, for her freedom came in the form of a brigadier general, leading his troops in to kill whoever was in the house. the general took pity on her, looking past her ethereal beauty, and he took her with him back to his country, korea. he pleaded his family to take her in as his sister, and there, she was reborn as kim minkyung. 
her new family was deeply involved with the military of korea, and so it was not that much of a surprise when the youngest member of the family, minkyung, had joined the ranks as well. she was young when her older brother trained her personally. she joined the military once she was of age, and with her exemplar skills and abilities, she quickly climbed up the ranks. at the age of 22, she's already a brigadier general, while her older brother has been promoted to a lieutenant general.
minkyung displays a cheerful and friendly demeanor, a smile always on her face. she tries to be cheerful, having found a reason to smile a lot more since that fateful day. she is very nice to civilians and her fellow soldiers, yet merciless and cruel to those who oppose her. she has a very strong aura, as opposed to her rather innocent and youthful appearance, looking younger than her real age (which is 24, by the way), so people don't usually believe her when she states that she's a soldier. she doesn't like brandishing that fact like jewelry, and so she tends to keep her profession to herself unless she's asked about it. 
being a soldier, she is brave and courageous, yet sometimes switching between being just and just being plain sadistic. as it is her duty, she goes out of her way to protect someone else, never hesitating to lay her life for the people she has sworn to protect. she is extremely loyal and trustworthy, but she finds it hard to trust new people at first meet, and it takes quite a lot for her to trust you. 
when she isn't fighting, she's surprisingly quite clumsy when it comes to household chores. it is a side of her that she doesn't want others to see, embarrassed of it, so she lives alone in this small town, despite her family wanting her to stay with them. the only thing she does best other than fighting is cooking, and she believes that's enough to keep her alive for the rest of her life.
fun facts:
she has a sweet tooth
she has a cartoon stuff toy that she can't sleep without
her family is very well-known for their services for the country
she has a long and deep scar running from her chest down to the left side of her hip
she always carries a handgun with her and a knife hidden in her clothes
achilles' heel
name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
plot 1 : f/m : taken by sooyoung
we're both looking at our phones to check our shopping lists, and we reach for the same product on the same exact moment and it's the last stock, and we both really, really need it.
plot 2 : f/m : open
you're in danger (being mugged, chased, harassed, etc), and i save you from whoever that person is. you feel indebt to me and are persistent about paying me back, despite me telling you that it's alright. in the end, i agree to be treated a meal.
plot 3 : f/m : open
you broke into my apartment for whatever reason and when i came home, i knocked you out, and now you're unconscious and i don't know what to do?
black widow (vmp remix)
aimerinsane dream
aot ostreluctant heroes
aimerbrave shine
aimerre i am
out of character
hello there, this is nana! all the basics you need to do is in the basic info section on the left side of this profile. my replies actually depend on how much i like our plot - or how high my muse for this chara is (as of the moment, it is quite high). feel free to pm me for plotting! and only pm, please. if i don't reply after a week, then feel free to poke me! i try to reply as fast as i can, all while mirroring your length. 
i am 24/7 looking forward to making friends with new people so don't be surprised if i continue our ooc talk! ^^