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damon albarn


painter - Sells on

EBAY and etsy


current partner 
e u n   j i w o n  



five ft two & 1/2 in


tell me about it

it started on a dark, dreary, rainy january 1st, 1998, after a massive car crash on walting street, in england. born a month and a half premature, it was safe to say he got off to a slightly rough start. they kept him in the hospital for almost three months before they allowed him to go home with his parents, where his older sister eagerly awaited her new baby brother. 

His upbrining was mundane, stereotypical to a snobby, rich british family with more money than sense. every school he attended was private, given anything he wanted at a mere mention, they had a housekeeper, gardener, laundress- everything. his grades were top marks, was involved in football, tennis and even sang in choir for a year. Being that he was premature, his growth was seriously stunted from the get-go, only reaching a cap height of 157 cm and highest weight of 46.5 kg.

When he started seventh year, he started rebelling against his parents a bit. He hung around the rougher kids that got him into smoking, took him to get his ears pierced, and even sat outside the back of the school and smoked weed. His parents barred him from seeing them again, but being the rebel he was in his own eyes, he ignored them and continued to stay with them. 

At age fifteen, and being only four foot eleven, he set an abandoned house at the end of his friend, jamie's, street on fire with a zippo lighter. he was with three other people that dared him to do it, but when the fire got out of control, they ditched him. the floor in the foyer collapsed and his leg was caught in a gaping hole in the wood. A neighbour a few houses up found him, passed out, in the still burning house and managed to get him out. having suffered multiple second, third and one fourth degree burn. he was out of football for a year and a half after the incident, and caused a fear of blood to form therein after. a strong resentment for his parents also formed after his mother came to the hospital when it had just happened, and told him; 'at least your face is still intact.'

He decided to drop out of high school by tenth year and pursued painting instead, without the support of his parents. despite their opinions, they supported him financially and continued to give him an extended allowance. 

when he turned seventeen, he met a man named monet sherwin, and after knowing him for a month, they got married. he moved to austria and continued to paint, and sell his artwork for tidy sums every few weeks. his and monet's relationship began to get rough, and damon started to feel neglected. they got a divorce after damon had a meltdown and smashed a glass against his head, monet deciding he couldn't handle his mental instability. all before he even turned eighteen.


pretty thoughts

damon has a low iq and doesn't think very much stay tuned


Be Your Girl
teedra moses (laxcity flip)

eun jiwon



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