Personal Message
Jungwoo has always been a very peculiar kid. Not really mingling with other people his age, and he would be always outside, playing with the bugs. From far away, it seemed like a normal thing to do but if you came closer to him, you'd notice that he was slowly killing the bugs, of course with a wicked smile on his face. He also loved playing with fire. He had a father who used to smoke occasionally so he always stole his lighters which resulted in his father buying new lighters. He would always light something on fire, whether it was a piece of paper or a leaf, that didn't matter to him. He loved seeing things burn.
As Jungwoo got older, he got mixed in with the wrong crowd, was the good crowd for him. They would always hang around on street, doing stuff with drugs. Either dealing it around or using it theirselves or they would be out burning stuff. The first time Jungwoo committed a real crime was when he was out with his friends and they went to an abandoned wooden house, completely burning it. Of course there was a bystander so they knew he had to make sure the person stayed quiet. And for the person to stay quiet, the only solution was murder. However, someone had seen everything that went down and immediately called the police which resulted in Jungwoo being arrested and thrown in jail at the age of 15. When he was about 17 years old, he got out of jail. He was supposed to stay there for a really long while but his friends had managed to take care of everything.
When he was back out on the street, he wasn't finished though. He decided to take it up a notch and bought a gun from one of his friends to rob a simple store. Although he felt that robbing a store wasn't enough for him, he wanted to go all out and that's when a good friend of his, introduced him to smuggling. At first it was soft drugs like weed and other pills but soon, he went from smuggling soft drugs to hard drugs and sometimes even weapons. Guns mostly. He felt like he was really living the life, making a lot of money at the age of 17. He had everything going for him until the police suddenly got notified again, apparently while he was in jail, one of his friends decided to work undercover for the police and frame Jungwoo. This time he knew that he wasn't going to get out of prison that easily.
Sub Section
Jungwoo had been on the island for about a year now and he was slowly starting to settle in, not really interacting with anyone though since he didn't quite feel like it was needed.
about / history
Jungwoo seems like your typical sweet and shy boy, with that shy smile of his but don't let yourself be fooled by his appearance. Behind that sweet and shy smile, hides a dangerous criminal. A killer. An arsonist. Although, despite being basically a monster, he still really loved his parents and he stayed a momma's boy. Doing everything his mother and father wanted.
Jungwoo doesn't have much friends but when he does have any friends, he makes sure to cherish them and hold them close since they might even be valuable in the near future.
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Nam risus quam, dictum non sapien quis, tincidunt lobortis massa. Morbi viverra venenatis placerat. Donec eu nulla eget sapien scelerisque suscipit. Nullam nec justo ac ligula interdum aliquam id et diam. Aenean blandit magna eget nibh consequat, ac dapibus leo vestibulum. Proin efficitur ligula et laoreet faucibus. Donec nec tortor ultricies, hendrerit dui a, dapibus felis. Praesent tempor laoreet tortor, scelerisque ullamcorper dui accumsan ut. Nunc turpis justo, condimentum id urna nec, cursus pharetra orci.
+ status, genre, etc.
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Ut elementum facilisis libero. Vivamus sed turpis aliquam, gravida purus ac, dignissim enim. Aliquam purus purus, aliquet et neque ac, consectetur mollis mi. Nulla tempus ullamcorper lacus ac aliquam. Quisque sed nibh eget metus imperdiet facilisis at eget ipsum. Quisque interdum non tellus fringilla volutpat. Maecenas nec libero non libero semper laoreet et ut eros. Donec iaculis, est ac consectetur luctus, diam quam efficitur tellus, at accumsan leo neque at ex. Nulla aliquet dolor finibus mauris finibus porta.
+ status, genre, etc.
Title [ rating ]
Vivamus eget ultricies justo. Praesent pellentesque mauris sit amet est placerat, quis suscipit orci laoreet. Cras et tellus sit amet justo ullamcorper semper nec et quam. Etiam rutrum enim eu congue malesuada. Quisque malesuada diam ut ipsum fermentum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus odio quam, faucibus at sodales ac, accumsan sit amet sapien.
+ status, genre, etc.
01 Name: Charm
02 Pronouns: She/her
03 Age: 18
04 Timezone: GMT +1
05 Please do poke me after a week if I haven't replied yet.
06 I am not on here that often so don't get mad when I reply kind of late.
07 I prefer plotting, I do both 1st and 3rd POV and I mirror your replies. If you give me a long reply, I will do my best to mirror it. Most of the time, I am on my phone and not on my computer.
out of character
basic trivia
date of birth
19 february 2000.
18 years old.
Arson, first degree murder, robbery, smuggling, assault
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