Personal Message


Irrational, disturbed, impatient, distracted, foolish, arrogant, eager, trusting, curious, insane, selfish, ruthless... Mark knew only these words to describe himself from the mouths of his kin, his the royal court, and his teachers. He felt loved, humorous, hopeful, strong-willed, deserving, and kind only when he met his present friends. Even his Queen, his wife gave him new validation. 
Mark was born as the secondboy in the Fischbach line, but upon turning four was promoted to heir when his brother tragically fell ill and died. After his tenth birthday, he figured he knew his duties well enough to someday be king. Day in and day out, from the time was awakened cruelly from slumber to the time he was locked in his suite, his head was stuffed full of royal duties, of incessant knowledge and names, dates, dances, gestures... one day, he just couldn't take any more. It couldn't possibly be his fault the arsenic vile tipped onto the platter... Weeks later, after a battle with a mysterious affliction, the king finally died. and Mark was finally crowned.
Mark, some would say, is twisted. He is quite referrable to Macbeth, and might often find himself quoting the bard and his esteemed works. However, Grimor, being a province land rather a land of ruth for the weak, has no help for the insane. Mark hides his dementia with outstanding smiles and silence. 
Married to the Queen of Tradian and Grimor, the combined Kingdoms. Taken by the Queen. 
Open to exploration.