Personal Message


damon albarn


painter - Sells o

director of theatre arts


108 pounds

five ft two & 1/2 in


tell me about it

it started on a dark, dreary, rainy january 1st, 1999, after a massive car crash on walting street, in england. born a month and a half premature, it was safe to say he got off to a slightly rough start. they kept him in the hospital for almost three months before they allowed him to go home with his parents, where his older sister eagerly awaited her new baby brother. 

His upbrining was mundane, stereotypical to a snobby, rich british family with more money than sense. every school he attended was private, given anything he wanted at a mere mention, they had a housekeeper, gardener, laundress- everything. his grades were top marks, was involved in football, tennis and even sang in choir for a year. everything was awfully boring and the same for sixteen years, and it always went sour with a car.

at sixteen, he was in the car with one of his friends, who he didn't know was absolutely wasted. he was hitching a ride to get to his grandparents' house. they drove halfway there before the car swerved and hit a barrier, nearly crushing the entire passenger side. his leg was severed by a piece of metal that broke through the inside. his friend was just about fine aside from whiplash and a fractured arm.

He became quite depressed after losing his ability to walk for almost a year, just barely making it through sophmore and half of junior year.  when he was fitted with a prosthetic and finished physical theraphy, he decided to have a go at athletics again.

Damon got onto a rugby team with almost no problem, and quickly became one of the best players. his mood improved greatly as a result, and decided to enroll in university for a year to have something to fall back on. 

To this day, damon doesn't know how to drive.


pretty thoughts

damon has a low iq and doesn't think very much stay tuned


Be Your Girl
teedra moses (laxcity flip)

who knows



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leg amputated below the knee due to a car accident at sixteen, wears a scuffed prosthetic that is extremely heavy which causes him to limp somewhat.

• is a bit of a spoiled brat, comes off as naïve and oblivious, acts like a sixteen year old, over emotional and extremely troubled; tends to smoke and drink his issues away. uses rugby and painting as a means of expression

lowkey this is just a reference

