Personal Message







my babes ♥


christian yu 18 seconds ago Reply

smooches Akay's forehead


ivan lam 13 seconds ago Reply

/purrs for kay


ivan lam 11 seconds ago Reply

you my first love akay pmsl
you smart, you loyal, you grateful - i appreciate that


christian yu 59 seconds ago Reply

Twerks for Akay


from Ivan: Kay, you y man - I love you so freaking much. When we met, there was just this spark. We were destined to be the best of friends. You cared for me and laughed with me, what more could a kitty ask for? I love you man, I'll miss you.

to Ivan: Please, you know you're much ier than me. I'm still absolutely amazed that we had such an instant connection when we met. I've never had that before with anyone else which is why you will always have a place in my kokoro. I will always be there for you to take care of you, to laugh with you, to laugh at you. I love you too man ♥