Personal Message

kim taehyung [deleted] [A] 58 seconds agoReply
suddenly im a cho yelim
cho yelim
-i like memes
-im a mess (inside and out)
-is hungry 24/7 but too lazy to actually cook

lim sejun ❝soring not soring❞ [A] 5 minutes ago Reply
,,,, i,,, idk-
cHaRmAnDeRs aRe rEd
sQuiRtLEs aRe bLuE
iF yOu wErE a pOkEmoN
i'LL cHoOse yOU
lmaojks wait mi brain is dead

kim jiho ❝it's a trap❞ 1 minute ago Reply
this one is for nahee : 
n o one can be nahee because nahee is the og and nahee is great 
a friend once told me they saw an angel, and it was nahee
h ello nahee, you are very pretty! 
e ggs
e xtra beauty was added when our creator made nahee!

im nayoung 13 seconds ago Reply
nahee looks like she could kick me in the lungs and i'd be fine

lim sejun ❝soring not soring❞ (╹◡╹)凸 [A] 11 minutes ago Reply
eue fLicKs yApPeR’s foReHeAd— lmaojks jahsjs
cups yer cheeks to press mi lips against yer forehead. ohO hoW cuTe wiLL yoU sLeEp noW

wong viian ❝wong viiole(n)t❞ [A] 2 minutes agoReply
nahee looks like a really rich courtesan's daughter from the 20's that everyone is trying to marry im crying

baek yebin ❝oppaya is here :D❞ 6 minutes agoReply
im nayoung 18 seconds ago Reply
i feel like nahee would make the perfect corpse bride

why i suddenly wanna second this eue

lim sejun ❝soring not soring❞ (╹◡╹) ♡ [A] 7 minutes ago Reply
g uR gLeS and stares at your face for a brief moment before sWoOpiNg in to steal a chaste kiss on yer lipS. ok gtg LMAO

lily maymac 40 seconds ago Reply
choi yewon12:19:05 AMReply
nahee, you've always been gf material pls

lim sejun ❝soring not soring❞ (╹◡╹) ♡ [A] 7 minutes ago Reply
☆ kim nahee 16 seconds ago Reply 
ded sej how many days am i gon be yours bcs you didn’t specify pmsL

googles: how to count past infinity

☆ kim (jeon) jungkook ❝mAkNaE oN tOp❞ 17 seconds ago Reply
a single bacteria

☆ kim (jeon) jungkook ❝mAkNaE oN tOp❞ 22 seconds ago Reply
nahee is cwtch's favorite bacteria

kim (jeon) jungkook ❝mAkNaE oN tOp❞ [SH]43 seconds ago Reply
nahee is queen bacteria

na jaemin ❝priest iMniDa❞ [SH] 1 minute agoReply
youre meant to be queen bacteria nahee, it's written in the fates aka ur autocorrect

kim (jeon) jungkook ❝mAkNaE oN tOp❞ [SH]1 minute ago Reply
your favorite bacterias love you queen nahee, stan royalty stan talent

moon taeil 2 minutes ago Reply
kim nahee ❝carla rodriguez calderón❞ 37 seconds ago Reply
the nct members here are adorable i lov them

the kim nahee here is adorable i lov her

choi yujin ❝juanita gabriella rivera❞ 1 minute ago Reply
if nahee was in it, she'd probs be georgie- i can see her running after a smoll paper boat and bumping her head onto smth bc clumsy 

still love her tho even if she floats down there


☼ lim sejun ❝esteban ricardo montoya dela rosa ❞ [A] 18 seconds ago Reply
o naega sandman

☼ lim sejun ❝esteban ricardo montoya dela rosa ❞ [A] 9 seconds ago Reply
but yapper’s personal sandman

choi byungchan (✖╭╮✖) 1 minute agoReply
whEezeS have i tell you that i uh lowkey love you nahee ma :”D
you’re an awesome mA

☼ lim sejun ❝esteban ricardo montoya dela rosa ❞ [A] 22 minutes ago Reply
corrupted system o
hides yapper in mi pocket to elope with her c:
wE’Re gOnNa gO fAr faR awAy wHeRe yoU’LL bE saFe


pmsl annyeong, i  know this is hecka dark and i don't think gifts are supposed to be dark but technically this isn't a gift and you like black -  right, you like black - g es ps. but uh, you could prolly guess what this is; naega wasn't around on the 8th, or were you not around,,, either way i didn't have much time last week, so i had to do this late. lowkey might have forgotten the date bc i have no concept of time heh. 
hea ves bc idk what to say. normally i talk a lot, more like post a lot, but, i lack the words now. u h to kick start, oho you were supposed to be the family yapper, w h a t happened to that icb this you got promoted to family - well uh, o ye, naega's future wife means you're a mother now : d wheezes bc idk how many kids i've adopted but you'll meet them all one day lmfao. 
ok now where we at - it's been, at least a month since i asked for you to be my girlfriend, you're still soff uwu always soff actually, which is prolly why people around you turn soff too (not me). fek normally people go all "ily bc bla bla" but i don't actually have solid reasons, all i know is i really do like you a lot, as a whole; ig if someone was to ask me why, i'll say why not, ykno, you've got a kind heart, pmsl you also know how to handle naega, you're a wholesome cutie coos. i mean, sometimes you do feel down, but issok bc that's human, but uh, don't wallow in the negative vibes for too long, i'll send memes :"d
s o future wifey, as much as i joke around a lot - maybe too much sometimes uh oh - i'm being sincere here now, i'm not good at pouring my emotions out, but there'll be a next time when i'm better at it lol, what i'm saying is i'm liv you lots, i remember being yer personal sandman, so if i'm around at the correct time, i'll remember to tuck you in and send you off to dreamland with a smoochie on yer forehead every night, if possible. i'm not a big fan of affection, there's like, a cap for me lmfao, but i'll shower you in as much affection as i could muster, willingly - do i sound forced rip i promise how i behave is all bc of myself aite. 
pmsl this got real long, but, iloveyoulots.
ok fak i wanted to include a playlist for you but i realised most of the sappy songs i know are u h common?? popular?? so that shall wait for another time when i find better songs lmfao.
cwtch: events' prizes gallery
3 sections ; each section is scrollable !
for. kim nahee