Park Daewon, 26

They call me Angel with reasons
Has been training for idol for a while but failed to debut. He is dedicated to music ever since and specifically to writing OSTs for different projects. He also takes small roles in different projects but never had a big role so far.
Very hardworking he often finds himself drowned in projects. He rarely gives up of his work tho and patiently does his best.
Is a bit scared of being alone at this point of his life, because many of his childhood friends has become distanced now.
 “I am too fluff and I wish I could be the bad guy.. sometimes”


 Usually rp in semipara, literal
but as wel I do scripted roleplay
I sometimes make typos because who doesn't?
You may make pun of these~
I tend to be dumbfounded when there is too much fluff
I kinda want to play a bad guy, yelp