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about jungwoo:
Jungwoo's passion had always been singing, he loves to pour his heart out by singing. the compliments he received encourage him to pursue the career of a singer. He signed up under an entertainment company at the age of 14 and after two years of training, he debuted as a soloist. But that only last for a year and a half. Everything started to go downfall when he was 17. After his 17th birthday, he started to receive ually harassing text from his former ceo. And it got worse after he rejected the ceo to the point where the ceo tried to grop him. When his parents found out about it, he was forced to leave the company as his parents file lawsuit against his previous company. Month after, he signed up under jamm ent. Realizing how lonely a soloist life can get, he accept the offer of being an idol. Present time, jungwoo is set to debut in a group called creamy.
Jungwoo is a social butterfly despite being shy in nature. He likes to push himself and go around to make new friends. Despite being 20 years old, sometimes he act childish and loves to cling to every living thing. The downside to jungwoo is that he grow attached to someone easily and he also trust people easily, in short he's kind of naive. But after the incident with his previous ceo, he tend to lock his real feeling away whilst making new friend.
1) 3rd and detailed 1st.
2) replies depends on my muse and mood. 
3) I'm actually quite busy, so don't trust the online sign. 
4) plotting anywhere you like. 
5) hi, I'm friendly!
past dp:
full namekim jungwoo
date of birth19 feb 1998


Lucas ♪ᴬ 1 hour ago Reply

“Cas please…” Jungwoo placed a hand on the younger’s chest and pushed him back a bit. “At least take me to the bedroom if you’re going to devour me…”

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum sodales dui, vel facilisis lectus pharetra at. Pellentesque a neque non risus mattis vulputate id ac urna. Donec tincidunt efficitur mi id rhoncus. Aenean fringilla nec ex ut placerat. Ut tincidunt bibendum nunc interdum cursus. Curabitur id lectus ipsum. Nunc et lacinia lacus. Vestibulum vehicula ultrices diam, quis interdum nisl dapibus a. Morbi placerat ullamcorper lobortis. Duis risus sem, venenatis at suscipit quis, rhoncus a arcu. Vivamus sollicitudin libero leo, quis commodo erat feugiat at. Nam eros ipsum, luctus at arcu et, vulputate ultricies diam.