



"Colui che è imbarcato con il diavolo deve fare il passaggio nella sua compagnia. "



"Il diavolo non è così brutto come è dipinto. "





No Glory

Skan & Krale






Fallout Boy







Hey there! Name's Vivaldi, but feel free to call me "Viv". I've got a job and a lot of admin work, but still feel free to hit me up to roleplay! I prefer winging above all else, so mind my hesitation if you ask to plot. If you're really insistent, then that's fine. I'm good with any genre except fluff (unless we weave it with something juicy). My favorites are certainly drama, angst, action, and . I love throwing in curveballs, so please let me know if you have any hard limits. I'm okay with the taboo (ex. age gaps but not ia, mentions of death or self-harm, psychological disorders, drug use, ), so long as we're on the same page. In terms of my preferences and kinks... Just ask and I'll tell you in PM. I don't poke, ever, so please do me the same courtesy. If you don't respond for weeks at a time, I'll just assume you're disinterested and carry on about my business. I'd rather let our characters do the talking, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends! ;; Add me whenever you want, and I'll most likely accept!



il sentiero

Principe delle ombre.


His story's engraved into millenia. Time boils the scripts, softens fidelity until all that remains is a muddled twist of hearsay. Evasion has always been his standpoint, despite the legacy that precedes him. But praytell, would you heed a promise stained from lips as sinful as those? Would you let him swear by the irony of a "god-given truth"? Would you shoulder the burden of lending an ear to the Devil in exchange for a story that could shatter the foundation of everything you've ever known? Well, you just might have to...

After all, this tale is none but his own.

His upbringing was defined by the ink embedded in his nails, a soft surrender to a cause he'd thrown wholeheartedly into. Lucifer began as God's own graceful hands. A beacon of art with eyes that envisioned a greater potential, Lucifer was the designer that orchestrated the creation of age-old beauty. The Garden of Eden, the galaxies strewn across the skies. All of which began as a careful sketch by trembling hands and boundless love. But no love could compare to that which he felt at the formation of humanity. The very framework, the fabric wherein they moved, recreated, existed. It all was honed to his own liking, and God's elated approval. And so mankind was born to an image that fell from the crisp paperwork of an angel who believed in something pure. A grand scheme he could only find paternal devotion toward...

But you see, no one ever appreciates a work much like the artist himself. God could never understand the years spent slaving over perfection, could never grant himself the patience to weep over each rough sketch. Fists coiled in the tightest rage beside the growing mount of disowned blueprints. Instead He saw an opening for 'critique'. After all, what could it look like if an entire race was transcribed by the hands of a lowly angel, matter the loyalty said angel embraced. Reputation was a stain that lured a wickedness even in the likes of Heaven's gates, and God was of no exception. Never did Lucifer find out about the revisions to mankind's makeup until after their creation. A creation stemming from a skeleton that was so finite in its particularity, that every change to it (each unseen by its maker) evoked an irreparable kink. Because of this, illness became a facet. Death, a loathesome possibility. Humanity was deformed in a myriad of ways, nowhere near the potential that Lucifer originally imagined. And to say he was furious was a guileless understatement. In truth, he was more so betrayed, outright offended at the thought that his design itself was any less that pleasing as it was.

From then on, he set out to expose the flaws one by one. He became the voice coddling mankind's retched will, wearing fissures into their resolve to prove to God that His measurements were unfit. And while Lucifer aimed to only alter humanity further, hopefully something akin to their original state, God existed in realms of only practical extremes. And so, He sought to wipe them out entirely. Fearful, Lucifer begged for reason- but not all chose to view it as such. Word set to the wind of his budding disdain for God's decisions and the possibility of a coup d'état. And though none of this ever found a hint of proof by the envious angels who dispersed it, God took to His telltale methods of overkill. A trial was held, one-sided at worst and impeccably biased at best. Lucifer stood not a chance, and found no means to arm himself in a battle that was already so fixed against him. He lost immediately- his title, his aureole...

And he was condemned.

His fall to earth was a kind one, as heartbreak is such a cushion to any other grief in comparison. He existed among the very creatures he helped create, learned of their ways and grew fascinated with their progression. But with this newfound discovery came an unfurling truth in the text of every version of the Bible. In its pages, a story lapsed of an angel that betrayed the heavens and was cast out as the ultimate enemy of mankind... Humanity was learning to fear him. At this point, Lucifer could no longer find it in himself to weep as years were already sullied by hapless pity. Now, he felt the need to embrace the very calling they were placing upon him. Vengeance curled itself thick against his chest, a viper that made its thrown in the hollow cavity wherein everything he'd once loved had made its homage. He fed from fear and slicked himself in bloodlust, abadoning his lighted steps for a steady path toward wayward desire.

Il bersaglio

Indossato dal tempo.


The life he portrayed thereafter was one set purely on indulgence's footfalls. He travelled, if nothing else, to learn- to see. He nurtured the value of knowledge and exposure in a world that seemed so compact compared to Heaven. But it intrigued him... Because from the kinks that furnished the wiring of man, came the predisposed proclivity to sin. In a vain sense of sadism, Lucifer buoyed them all to the surface. Lust. Greed. Envy. Gluttony. Wrath. Sloth. Pride. All toys at the fingertips of a man who'd known them better than anyone. But a restlessness gained up on him that he hadn't foreseen... A deadly desire to advance, even upon a plan that was utterly insane.

By the time he called his plot into action, he had settled in Venice. Italy was a dreamscape for him, a birthplace of art at its most glorious phase. Drawing muse from the architects there, he designed a home for himself that would soon become Hell's earliest predecesor- a humble beginning for a reign that would mark the centuries. But no empire could exist without followers, and whispers had caught on the wind of angels that denied God's righteous schemes. He embraced them fully, promising them places alongside him if they fought at his will. However, as it were, they were in no shape to counter seraphim. He needed full-blooded fledgelings that could harness darkness at their favor... He needed demons. But the birthing of a demon was a perceptible process that would only expose them to God's watchful gaze. He needed a manner to cultivate human essence without exposure, a method that convinced even the humans that it was what they wanted...

And thus, Sweet Tooth was founded.

il tesoro

Sono caduto due volte.






Ecco mormorar l'onde, e tremolar le fronde a l'aura mattutina, e gli arboscelli. E sovra i verdi rami i vaghi augelli cantar soavemente, e rider l'Oriente. Ecco già l'alba appare, e si specchia nel mare, e rasserena il cielo. E le campagne imperla il dolce gelo, e gli alti monti indora. O bella e vaga Aurora! L'aura è tua messaggera, e tu de l'aura. Ch'ogni arso cor ristaura....

le storie

Passi errati.





in corso

Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro per la pietà del suo factore i rai. Quando ì fui preso, et non me ne guardai, chè i bè vostr'occhi, donna, mi legaro.




in corso

Tempo non mi parea da far riparo contra colpi d'Amor: però m'andai secur, senza sospetto; onde i miei guai nel commune dolor s'incominciaro.




in corso

Trovommi Amor del tutto disarmato et aperta la via per gli occhi al core,che di lagrime son fatti uscio et varco.




in corso

Però al mio parer non li fu honore ferir me de saetta in quello stato, a voi armata non mostrar pur l'arco.




in corso

Quando fra l'altre donne ad ora ad ora amor vien nel bel viso di costei, quanto ciascuna è men bella di lei tanto cresce 'l desio che m'innamora.




in corso

I' benedico il loco e 'l tempo et l'ora che sí alto miraron gli occhi mei, et dico: Anima, assai ringratiar dêi che fosti a tanto honor degnata allora.




in corso

Da lei ti vèn l'amoroso pensero, che mentre 'l segui al sommo ben t'invia, pocho prezando quel ch'ogni huom desia.



































