Personal Message
sweet card
Full Name
Ten Chittaphon Leechaiyakul
20 years
study abroad student
over-sleeping, manipulation, bluntness
Eucalyptus, Haitian Vetiver, and Amber
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ooc notes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non eleifend orci. Fusce varius odio quis urna vulputate eleifend. Vestibulum condimentum neque vel libero auctor, faucibus ullamcorper sapien venenatis. Vivamus dignissim venenatis lacus ac pretium. Aliquam finibus cursus eros. Aenean tincidunt mi vitae lacus varius, eu aliquam arcu fermentum. In egestas in dolor quis auctor. Aliquam bibendum mattis pretium.
BAE's name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non eleifend orci. Fusce varius odio quis urna vulputate eleifend. Vestibulum condimentum neque vel libero auctor, faucibus ullamcorper sapien venenatis. Vivamus dignissim venenatis lacus ac pretium. Aliquam finibus cursus eros. Aenean tincidunt mi vitae lacus varius, eu aliquam arcu fermentum. In egestas in dolor quis auctor. Aliquam bibendum mattis pretium.




Hi everyone! You can call me Rue. I am currently living in Japan (GMT +9) as a study abroad student. I am busy often doing things so don't expect me to be speedy with my replies or here to talk to you all the time. That being said though, you are free to poke me or pm me if you're worried about me not replying! I am forgetful so a little nudge is okay. My kkt username is "littlerue" so if you wish to message me ooc where I reply faster, you are free too!
Let's get along and rp. <3








 plot trcker

name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where
name ⇨ where


What is love?
Growing up in a high expectations house was a detriment to Ten's personality. Love was something hard to come by for all his parents cared about were his achievements and how they would help him in the future with taking over the family. His parents love was hard to achieve and rarely done so even when his report card was piled full of As as an elementary student.
As a desperate plea for their attention, he turned to delinquency. Yet, this drove a further wedge between him and his family. It was only then that he learned nothing could please his parents until he took over the family--something he dreaded for they expected for him to marry a woman and have children to continue the line.
His constant show of honesty on what was expected of him only ended with a slap of a cheek but it did little to drown out the part of honesty embedded in him. Instead, he turned to manipulation--to make his parents believe he was being what they wished for him to be.
It was the last resort he could use before running away from home in a different country. Even after escaping them to a different university, his bad habits chase him. Amongst the bad habits, however, lay a solid resolve which can drive him to achieve what he needs at any cost.
Escape. From the beginning, that's what ten had always wanted. born into a middle class family and a father running a small time business, much was expected of him. ten was never the ideal son. he always ran away from the responsiilty expected of him as the oldest son with only a younger sister following after him. the ideal image of a perfect child he was supposed to be as an example for his sister was something he never strived for. instead, he skipped class and smoked cigarettes to run away from the high expectations of him from his family.
high school came and passed like a strike of lightening for ten. soon, he found himself into a world of even higher expectations where skipping class meant removal from the university through failing classes. the responsibility weighed heavy on his shoulders but ten was no longer an irresponsible kid--he tried to be the son his parents expected of him. yet, the stress proved to be too much. it led to a withdrawal from everything of massive proportions. it led to panic attacks. yet his parents offered nothing more than a scolding for his actions.
An outlet, an escape presented itself to ten in the form of study abroad. He could run from everything and never return. It was only through a manipulation of his parents into believing going there would better prepare him for taking over the family upon return. And just like that, Ten found himself on a flight to a new country the following semester.
The dream of staying in the country came at a cost for Ten as he came to realize how much it would take form him to stay there. The struggles of money, getting jobs, and discrimination held him back from truly assimilating with the others. He always wore the brand of a foreigner in his new country. As his study abroad excursion quickly races towards a close, he scrambles for a money, a job, and most of all, a pass through a visa, a permanent residency... something to stay within the country. He will do anything to keep from being sent home.



plot list


"anything": he will do anything to keep from being sent home. the only way he'll be deported is if someone were to handcuff him and drag him out by his hair. so when ten is given the opportunity to stay, he'll take it. no matter the cost. Angst drama intense possibly illegal 
"money": money is far and few between. working two jobs as a late convenience store cashier and a school librarian wears on ten's bones. money is no longer coming from his family as they try to force him to return. he's too stubborn for that. with no where else to turn, he finds himself turning to the risky venture of dealing with fallen angels. drama relationship platonic or romantic mutual dependence friendship  
"visa": with his student visa running out, ten needs to find a way to remain here. but how? a green card marriage? work? maybe a helpoing hand is all he needs. or maybe something a little illegal.  relationship angst friendship power relationship 
"student": to be a study abroad student has been both a rewarding and a torturing experience for ten. from making once in a life time memories to little displaces in discrimination, ten had seen more than his little town in thailand had ever shown him. he's going to miss it. he's going to miss his friends. so he struggles to make as many friends and memories as possible.. friendship drama angst comedy slice of life