Personal Message
Choi hansol
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full Name
Choi hansol
Stripper/Drug dealer
FALLEN angel of mischief
Type b
intriguing dominant psychos
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non eleifend orci. Fusce varius odio quis urna vulputate eleifend. Vestibulum condimentum neque vel libero auctor, faucibus ullamcorper sapien venenatis. Vivamus dignissim venenatis lacus ac pretium. Aliquam finibus cursus eros. Aenean tincidunt mi vitae lacus varius, eu aliquam arcu fermentum. In egestas in dolor quis auctor. Aliquam bibendum mattis pretium.
BAE's name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non eleifend orci. Fusce varius odio quis urna vulputate eleifend. Vestibulum condimentum neque vel libero auctor, faucibus ullamcorper sapien venenatis. Vivamus dignissim venenatis lacus ac pretium. Aliquam finibus cursus eros. Aenean tincidunt mi vitae lacus varius, eu aliquam arcu fermentum. In egestas in dolor quis auctor. Aliquam bibendum mattis pretium.

Background: Hansol used to be an abandoned orphan and lived in the streets. It wasn't a surprise when he found himself sleeping with random strangers in order to make a living. One fateful day he was imprisoned for drug dealing even though he had never used any illegal substance yet police officers found weed inside the pocket of his pants. Life in prison run smooth or at least smoother than living in the streets and sleeping on benches whenever he couldn't find a client. One night a police officer accused him of violence even though he clearly wasn't the one who had stabbed the prisoner. He was lead in the isolation room as a punishment but instead of being locked by himself a group of police officers joined in. One of them even used to be his client and was apparently the one who lead him in prison. The chief officer. That night he was by the 'men of law' and then strangled to death accidentally as a part of their sick game. None of them was ever punished,his death case was never lead to court. No relatives ever showed up and they all got away with it.
Heaven was real.He had seen it up close but his sinful way of living wasn't enough to make him stay.Hansol was banished and therefore degraded as a fallen angel. Ever since he became immortal he has been looking for the offsprings of his murderers. He is going to have his revenge and cause the men who killed him the same pain or maybe even worse. He is currently working as a stripper and drug dealer,always wearing chokers to hide the evidence of his death.
As a fallen angel he is full of hatred for humans and every other creature,including fallen angels. Hansol is addicted to making the others feel the kind of pain he once felt. He considers himself merciful because he gives his victims the choice to either ruin their life by taking the drugs he's giving them along with a lap dance or simply refuse his services. In his 100 years of being a fallen angel no one has refused him.