Personal Message

Can you feel my breath wanting you right now?

mood 91%


muse 72%


writing quality 38%


reply speed 64%


activity 50%


Being born in Anyang, Jennie Kim moved and lived in Auckland, New Zealand for five years, studying abroad. Though her school life was just as hard working fulfilled as anyone else's, she decided that being on the stage and showcasing her talents was the dream for her. Jennie became a trainee at YG Entertainment for almost six years, finally debuting with the killer girl group, 'Black Pink', with her beloved trainee buddies and now lovely members.

Jennie doesn't address herself to be a rapper, singer, or dancer, believing that she was about above average in those aspects but not the absolute best within the group. Her self esteem and confidence overflows on stage, but she is an insecure and shy individual that respectfully relies on herself most of the time, and doesn't wish to cause a burden upon others, thus her isolated nature to be alone, if not with her group members. Because of that, she finds it difficult to befriend others easily, but is slowly improving steadily.

history / about

Last updated 05. 27.


me & my beloved

name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Aenean a dui blandit, dapibus ligula vitae, accumsan velit. Morbi orci velit, tincidunt sit amet efficitur non, tempor ac neque. Etiam blandit ut est at dapibus. Curabitur nec feugiat urna. Aliquam ornare sem ac libero egestas consectetur. Mauris porta nibh eget feugiat dictum. Duis et nunc at orci euismod finibus.

ONE. Gmt -7.

TWO.Mirrored replies and mainly does third, but first is absolutely fine!

THREE. Any genre is perfectly fine with me.

FOUR. No asking for a plot.

FIVE. If I forget to reply, just poke and bother me about it, it's fine!

out of character

Last updated 05. 27.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Suspendisse venenatis ut erat ac vestibulum. Sed interdum eu enim a commodo. Donec in purus ac tellus sagittis tempus. Sed vehicula tellus id blandit posuere. Etiam a malesuada dui. Maecenas at sodales mi, eget mollis elit. Fusce ut mi blandit, varius sapien et, iaculis arcu. Suspendisse hendrerit vel mauris non tempus. Cras tortor orci, pharetra eu laoreet vehicula, hendrerit quis leo.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.


Last updated 00 month. day.



Last updated 05.27.

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