Personal Message
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Sweet, naïve, innocent, loving and shy.
These are the five words that describe Hyuna almost completely. But to be honest, her personality isn't really the best one to have when you are a student at this special department of Seoul University. Just as every other student she didn't apply for it, neither she wants to be a part of it. Her life is everything except how she had imagined how it would be and can't stop herself from feeling bad about it. She's a very loving and caring person, but at the same time Hyuna is very naïve and it doesn't take long for someone to gain her trust. She just instantly believes another on his words when they sound logically, but holds a distance when the facts are wrong. Not that it saves her from trouble, it's more like that word is written on he forehead. Unfortunately Hyuna has the 'gift' - or better to be called curse - to get in every single bit of problems to e found, probably multiple at once too. It all makes her very vulnerable and unsable for others, but when the intentions are allright and you are able to gain her trust you'll find a true friend in Hyuna.
Major Classes
When Hyuna applied for Seoul University she wanted to study art, different kinds of art. Loving to draw and paint it wasn't a hard choice to make, but next to that she anted to make her mother's wish come true. That's why she also signed up for music art classes, specialising in playing violin and the piano.
That means that her current Majors are Arts. When it comes to drawing and painting she gets lessons in scenes. Next to that she leans to play sensual music instead of traditional classic music.
Even till today she can hear her mother's desperate screams and cries of pain in her nightmares, which
Years passed by without any change between Hyuna and her father, but in the year she would turn
It probably isn't surprising that her father was glad when she left home to go to university, and doesn't