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a promise is forever, and forever is with you. || want some paradise city crack? click here idk if you wanna read
mood 71%
muse 83%
writing quality 64%
reply speed 67%
min hoseok.
shorthand info
age // 24 ]
birthday // 18 feb 1994
orientation // biual ]
marital status // married ]
occupation // freelance editor ]
user profile
misled but not lost
posted 1 day ago
born and raised in gwangju, hoseok had always had an inclination towards the arts. he found inspiration in photos, and with his father being an literature teacher, it came to him that being a journalist or a writer was probably a good career path for him. thus he moved to seoul, where everything was happening, where the celebrity life was thriving, with his older sister dawon. they had a humble start, had barely enough to keep them going. but dawon already had plans to be a clothing designer underway, so they held on for a while more. he willingly volunteered to model for some of her pieces to put on her online shop as a temporary way cut costs. fortunately, the business picked up. it turned out to be a great run for him anyway, and continued to model, sometimes for other affiliated brands.
and for him, he just wanted to have an excuse to use his camera, and what better than to take snaps of idols? he wanted people to see that they were still human. that despite everything, they were just the same anyone else. so he'd go around, happily pictures of celebs whenever he found them. initially, he tried to make less... distasteful shots, hoping to make something out of positivity. but it came to a point where he had to sell himself out to make a living. few wanted to buy something that wasn't at least scandalous they weren't wrong, it made good money. money that he needed. and he isn't proud of that phase.
but at the lowest point of his career, having nearly sabotaged a close friend's relationship via one of his pitfalls followed by a series of just everything going horribly wrong, he shut himself in, stewing in the backlash and self-hatred that arose after. when he finally emerged from his thorny shell, attempting to piece back everything, he found a place in yoongi when they met in passing. his almost nonchalance to his mistakes settled his anxiety, and his ability to make him laugh just completely swept him away.
about me
posted 1 day ago
hoseok is one of the peppiest guys you'll probably meet, constantly upbeat and sociable. he's the life of the party, even if there's no party. loud when he's excited, loud when he's upset, it's easy to think he's drunk at time even though he's never willingly drunk a sip of alcohol. he'll rant about his troubles to anyone willing to listen, and can get physically affectionate if he's comfortable enough.
he wears his heart on his sleeve and it's clear when he's bothered by something even if he doesn't say anything. that is, if he can keep his mouth shut for a bit. despite his loud self, he can be disarmingly charming in conversation to get into someone's good books.
he's a big jokester although he has a tendency to play it down, getting quickly embarrassed by his own jokes, and too sensitive to the point where he's afraid some of his punchlines might upset somebody.
he knows when to be serious, though, and will try to match the mood of the conversation if he knows he's not supposed to be goofing around.
-window shopping for everything, scribbling notes (apparently it's writing), anime, memes, jokes, stuffies, min yoongi
-conflict, celery
-taking photos, watching b99, writing random things, being soft and romantic
-if hoseok ever had true secrets the earth would die
losing yoongi because of dumb little mistakes, having no one to rely on, being left alone
posted 3 days ago
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
who where status
dawn to my dusk.
posted 6 days ago
name: min yoongi.
date: aug 20 2018 | Feb 03 2019.
status: married.
deja vu! i have never been to this place before- okno hh but it's nothing short of a miracle to have found you. even more so in that crucial moment when we decided to play the anime card and just completely lose ourselves to each other. being with you just gives me peace, it makes me feel... something. like i have some place to turn to when there's nothing else, that happiness, though fleeting, can also be long-lasting. i love the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way little things just make you so happy. i love you and every little thing you do. tides may change, names will differ, but my love for you will remain rooted and keep growing until the end of time.
//records of the dumb we got up to: here
out of character!
posted 1 week ago
I. gmt +8!
II. i try to reply as soon as i can, but my muse is rarely a constant so it might take a while. i'm also taking a course that's sorta time-consuming and mind-draining so i definitely need some buffer time between to get back into writing. please forgive me if i take a little while, i hope you understand.
III. plot over winging always! plots give me something to bounce off on when i run out of juice, and it helps me be more consistent with my writing. winging is kind of a hit and miss thing for me, if i'm not really feeling it it's hard to pull out something that's sustainable for rping, but we can try!
IV. pm me anytime you have a plot, or just wish to work soemthing out together. i'm fine with almost anything as long as we discuss it beforehand. if you ever have an idea while in the middle of our plot just throw it out on the table! the more ideas the better, so we can work things out with more ease
V. sometimes it looks like i'm online but i just don't want to log off oho
VI.i mirror so much i'm not even kidding, unless i suddenly have a whole rush of muse to write about, so long replies get long replies and short ones get short replies
VII. Ut viverra pulvinar neque ac commodo. Nunc tempor sodales dui. Fusce aliquet, odio vitae varius varius, purus tellus placerat mauris, sed volutpat ligula turpis at urna.
posted 2 weeks ago
scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.
Nulla sapien enim, semper id nisi quis, mollis interdum augue. Phasellus orci augue, tincidunt sit amet felis eget, tincidunt semper eros. Quisque aliquet mollis mollis. Cras vehicula justo ex, vel mattis libero ornare non. Integer venenatis congue libero, ac sagittis ipsum fermentum sit amet. Praesent quis tristique arcu, eu imperdiet tortor. Curabitur euismod urna vitae ligula posuere efficitur. Duis id arcu at sapien interdum facilisis eu sit amet lorem. Sed venenatis tempor lorem, et scelerisque diam consequat eu. Nam ac ipsum cursus, ullamcorper massa eget, pulvinar sem. In ut interdum nulla. Ut tincidunt, nulla a feugiat egestas, risus urna laoreet nulla, sed varius nibh elit sed elit. Cras elementum sapien a turpis gravida, sit amet lacinia ipsum mollis.
scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.
In ut laoreet sem, in porttitor arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam eget sapien ligula. Etiam mollis cursus varius. Morbi non dapibus nisi, non accumsan est. In a hendrerit odio. Cras est enim, molestie non sagittis vitae, fringilla at quam. Sed turpis magna, suscipit id elit sed, varius bibendum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent egestas condimentum lectus, eu lacinia mauris lobortis ut.
posted 4 weeks ago
now playing . . .
♫ alcoholics – skizzy mars ♫