moon taeil
❝ You should be cautious, my sweet. ❞
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+ relations
![Ten. Florist, Taeil's creation. Taeil turned Ten around a year ago. Their relationship is a rocky, bumpy one, but they do care for one another in their own strange ways. Attacking Ten is to attack Taeil; so be warned.](
NP : Queen
• basics
Name: Moon Taeil
Age: 1,123 (stopped aging at 25)
Race: Vampire
Occupation: History professor
+ teaches night classes at a university
+ teaches night classes at a university
Organization: Twilight Venom
+ the leader and founder of Twilight Venom
+ the leader and founder of Twilight Venom
• appearance
Taeil's hair is currently a soft honey-red-brown, though the color is likely to change in the future, as it has plenty times in the past. Some days he combs it, others he doesn't bother, as even after combing he runs his hands through it and gets it a bit messy. He's never been one to care about appearances.
His eyes, when they are not covered with the contacts that allow him to blend in with human kind, are seductive pools of pink that are never the same color. One minute cerise and the next fuchsia, the exact shade of pink can never be pinned.
Though only 171 centimeters in height, Taeil seems like he is taller – he possesses a commanding air, carrying himself in a manner that states he is a man who should not be crossed. He is dangerous; even if he may not entirely look the part.
• abilities
Inhuman Strength, Heightened Smell, Heightened Hearing, Quickened Healing
Basic attributes that each vampire has.
Basic attributes that each vampire has.
Taeil's a strong telepath, due to age and much practice. He has the tendency to use telepathy to keep tabs on Ten and to communicate with other members of Twilight Venom.
Taeil's a strong telepath, due to age and much practice. He has the tendency to use telepathy to keep tabs on Ten and to communicate with other members of Twilight Venom.
Unlike Ten, Taeil has no problem with this power. He is also powerful in the field of necromancy – again, his age must be taken into account. Taeil uses his necromancy often, using undead soldiers when he isn't in the mood to take care of the trash himself.
Unlike Ten, Taeil has no problem with this power. He is also powerful in the field of necromancy – again, his age must be taken into account. Taeil uses his necromancy often, using undead soldiers when he isn't in the mood to take care of the trash himself.
Taeil uses telekinesis when he's in the mood to give a large display of power rather than just kill someone, or when he doesn't want to walk over to something to retrieve it.
Taeil uses telekinesis when he's in the mood to give a large display of power rather than just kill someone, or when he doesn't want to walk over to something to retrieve it.
Aura Perception
Over the years, Taeil has become quite proficient with the use of this art. Though he still makes mistakes, as auras are hard to read and can be affected by many things, Taeil is pretty good at it.
Over the years, Taeil has become quite proficient with the use of this art. Though he still makes mistakes, as auras are hard to read and can be affected by many things, Taeil is pretty good at it.
• personality
Moon Taeil is not fond of people; he likes to be alone, or with those he chooses to share his company with, such as Ten. A quiet individual, he is one who prefers to observe others as they converse rather than interject himself into the conversation; but when he does speak, Taeil commands attention and compliance.
Taeil is not a man who can be controlled, or commanded. Those who push him are pushed back, or met with violence. Taeil is one who leads, and not one who follows; obedience is something which he has never had, but something which he expects to be given by those under his command.
• background
Born a vampire, Moon Taeil grew up teaching himself how to take on the guise of humanity so that he could trick those around him. He outlasted the other members of his extended family due to this; for in his young years, the village in which he lived was a place where vampires were hunted and slaughtered. Taeil survived through sharp wit and his ability to mislead, to pull the puppet strings of human beings and make them dance to his chosen tune. And make them dance he did; he was the master of that village, whether any of the inhabitants were aware of it or not.
Taeil grew bored of this town, however; and so he set it ablaze, left the people within to burn in the night as he made his departure. They died without ever knowing that sweet, darling Moon Taeil was one of the very creatures that they had worked so hard to free themselves of... and tat he was the one who killed them. Not as an act of vengeance, no; he had never been fond of his family. No, Taeil slaughtered them out of sheer boredom and the desire to watch the city from a distance as it was wrapped in the deadly embrace of the flames he had lit.
Taeil traveled all around the world, living in different places. Whatever and wherever took his fancy was where he stayed, but whenever he left, he left behind nothing more than ashes and those who mourned the dead. It pleased Taeil immensely, to watch as various places burned to the ground, to hear the voices of the dying pitch in terror and pain.
Eventually, Taeil found Cimmerian, and chose to settle in the city. He wouldn't burn this one to the ground; no, he'd stick around, pull more puppet strings, and bask in the darkness. At some point, a young human male caught his attention, and Taeil turned him; though Taeil and Ten have their fair share of arguments and disagreements, Taeil protects him and Ten plants flowers around the tomb Taeil has made his home.
• trivia
ONE. cemetery.
+ he lives in a tomb in the cemetery
+ he lives in a tomb in the cemetery
TWO. dom switch.
+ doesn't mind top or bottom, but won't sub.
+ doesn't mind top or bottom, but won't sub.
THREE. sings.
+ he has a sweet voice and loves to sing
+ but he doesn't sing for anyone except Ten
+ he has a sweet voice and loves to sing
+ but he doesn't sing for anyone except Ten
FOUR. weapons.
+ ten knives sheathed in his pants
+ a knife in each boot
+ a slingshot usually clipped to his belt
+ five slim knives around each wrist
+ vials of poison in a bag at his left hip
+ ten knives sheathed in his pants
+ a knife in each boot
+ a slingshot usually clipped to his belt
+ five slim knives around each wrist
+ vials of poison in a bag at his left hip
FIVE. protective.
+ he takes care of those he turned.
+ will kill you for them.
+ he takes care of those he turned.
+ will kill you for them.
SIX. kinks.
+ best to ask in PM.
+ he has a lot.
+ best to ask in PM.
+ he has a lot.
TBA. I will add more later rip.
• lover
Not Taken.
Nulla eget arcu bibendum, malesuada augue quis, dictum lacus. Cras justo urna, dignissim nec quam at, sollicitudin mattis elit. Vivamus tincidunt varius risus, nec posuere magna tempor id. Suspendisse eget leo erat. Sed sem eros, tempus et lectus nec, luctus mollis augue. Donec laoreet accumsan risus, quis ullamcorper sapien fermentum id.
• rp tracker + past dps
• • •
Kyungsoo | Replied | Back Alley
Daehyun | Replied | Back Alley
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Daehyun | Replied | Back Alley
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Name | Status | Location
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Name | Status | Location
Name | Status | Location
• out of character
GMT : -5 or -6
Writing Style : 1st & 3rd
Reply Speed : depends.
blood-and-stars says : My GMT is -5 or -6, I've never been able to keep track of it, but basically I live in the state of Oklahoma so yeah. But I have really weird online times and I also have a life so no rushing me please??? I do my best to reply to everyone at once and not favor one over the other but things happen.
Writing Style : 1st & 3rd
Reply Speed : depends.
blood-and-stars says : My GMT is -5 or -6, I've never been able to keep track of it, but basically I live in the state of Oklahoma so yeah. But I have really weird online times and I also have a life so no rushing me please??? I do my best to reply to everyone at once and not favor one over the other but things happen.
Poke me after 48 HOURS or more. I'll poke you after a week or more. As for POV I can do 3rd and 1st but I prefer 3rd. Also, I can't do really long posts for so ;; please nothing more than one post long. ;;