Personal Message
name: Hwang hyunjin
year: second-year
credits: 150.



welcome user!






remember me


history / about.


Getting to know HIs past.

Hyunjin grew up in a lower income family. He had his mother, brother, and father. Things were tough, but they went by, both of their parent's jobs kept them stable in a small home and they were able to always have food on their plate. His neighborhood didn't help either at his age. He often had to be accompanied by his brother wherever he went. They were too many violent people in the neighborhood, and seeing a little boy would deter their violence. Hyunjin could tell you which places were drug factories. And to say Hyunjin hadn't smoked any weed would be a lie. His situation was just that bad. Of course, his parents couldn't know, or else they would kill him. He wasn't even a teen and was ruining his system. But his brother was even more of an abuser. He smoked every day, and began to sell on the down low when he was at school or alleyways. Hyunjin knew this was wrong, but he knew he couldn't tell his high school brother anything. He would probably hit, and he wouldn't want that. His brother attitude changed, and allow his grades to drop, and eventually, he was skipping school. If he went to school, it was because their parents nagged on and on.

Just as things were looking bright, and the family of four was finally looking at moving into a better neighborhood. Hyunjin wasn't sure if this was gonna help his brother, but who knows? But things were jinxed for them, one day when the two boys came home from school, a note from their mom was on the counter. He could never remember the note's contents, the bawling and crying he did that day made him forget the words his mom said. HIs mom left the three males for a better life. His dad was devastated and started drinking alcohol, something his father never did. His brother took it hard too, he dropped out of school, and turn to selling weed, and then eventually other drugs. But things continued to get worse, when he was walking home from middle school one day, he found a boy that was lifeless near his home, and he too couldn't remember that day all too well. His brother was there, just lying on the floor, his eyes were open and lifeless. By the time the ambulance came, he knew it was too late. By that night's end, his brother was pronounced dead by overdose. It was just him and his father, and because it was just them two, they could move somewhere better, but his father continued to drink and drink. The financial burdens from his mom disappearance and brother's death took a toll on his dad. 

One day when he returned from school, two men in suits were at his door, and he tried to run away from them, knowing who these men were. He was eventually caught, not being able to outrun two grown men with longer legs. It was child services, and they were informing the boy that he could no longer stay with his father. But did the boy care? He did all the arguing and yelling he could to stay with his dad, and they caved in. But when he returned home, happy to see his dad, that happiness was gone. His father kept drinking and started bringing women home. This happened for a long time, and one night while studying, he snapped. He lashed at his father with his baseball bat and nearly knocked the older man out, but his dad grabbed the bat after being hit and hit the young boy, repeatedly. As the boy laid in his small bloody puddle, his dad bailed the scene. If it wasn't for the generosity of one of those strippers his dad brought home, Hyunjin could be dead too.

The time in the hospital made the boy realize he couldn't stay with his father anymore. If his dad was willing to beat the boy down, breaking two of his ribs and knocking out some of his teeth(baby though, so they weren't his permanent). Hyunjin went to the child shelter and continued on with his life. If there was anything he learned from his fifteen years so far, he couldn't take life for granted. Instead of moping around, he tried to carry on with a smile. Despite having his dad out of the picture, his mom who knows where, and his brother dead, he had to take every precious happy moment and treasure it. He turned to reading and watching films. He turned to film and acting to make him happy Whether reading plays from long ago or in the modern day or acting in front of the other kids or on the big stage at his school, he was occupying himself as much as he could.  And he was able to somehow get into Memory High on a transfer. He performed well in school and apparently tested higher than some of the kids at Memory High, and so he was able to get into the school. Now he hopes to make friends and get on through life and be happy.



Getting to know who he is.

PERSONALITY Hyunjin is probably one of the strongest you'll never know. He's kind, thoughtful, and happy most of the time. You would never know his past, even if you did knew him before. You would think he would still have his parents just be happy he was. The fact is that he has head straight, and he tries to keep his mind clear. Though, time to time he lets a little loose and smokes a blunt time to time. Despite this, he's smart, friendly, dependable, and loyal. He'll do anything to for his friends, and this has led him to be a bit more clingy, probably because he just had nobody to cling too. But if you happen to be one of the lucky few who he tells what happened to him, not only does not signifies he trusts you, he considers you a valuable person to him.

LIKES Tacos, selling snacks, buying snacks, acting, reading, filming, walking, singing, rap, music, people, burgers, kimchi, running, sports, American shows, dogs, chicken, and girls.

DISLIKES Violence, ,  disloyalty, drugs, smoking(despite he does it sometimes), people snoring, quitters, commitment(he has commitment issues, so he doesn't stay in relationships long).

HOBBIES Basically his likes

SECRETS Smokes weed, but other secrets would have to be learned from him directly

FEARS Not revealing

QUIRKS Fun facts about them.
— Sophomore
— Single
— Straight
— 16
— Sells snacks and drinks so he could really pay for tuition and support himself

my beloved.


The one they give their heart to.

name here

date here

status here

Pellentesque eu convallis neque. Quisque ut nisi gravida, porta ante vitae, fermentum sapien. In commodo erat nec risus dignissim laoreet. Mauris egestas, sapien eget convallis porta, arcu enim feugiat nisi, vel consectetur tellus risus ac lectus. Quisque ultricies sit amet orci quis facilisis. Etiam vel tempus ipsum. Aliquam ligula neque, dapibus feugiat posuere dapibus, fermentum et dui. Ut ac neque vel ante commodo auctor. Phasellus eu finibus orci. Mauris tincidunt diam ac diam hendrerit vestibulum in tristique erat. Proin accumsan lacus vel nisi varius bibendum. Suspendisse vitae augue justo. Donec ornare finibus est, dignissim scelerisque nisi accumsan et. Nam auctor magna quis est vestibulum iaculis. Mauris sed tortor a felis efficitur pulvinar a id augue.

out of character.


The typist's notes and guidelines.

ONE Fusce condimentum nulla non nisl elementum pretium. Nam finibus leo consectetur libero elementum interdum. Cras vel ex eget erat venenatis semper id quis neque. Nam semper mi id vehicula cursus. Vivamus mollis risus ac lectus aliquam feugiat. Duis ut neque ut orci lobortis placerat.

TWO Sed molestie tellus nec justo tincidunt lobortis congue ut urna.

THREE Vestibulum venenatis turpis at nibh porttitor hendrerit. Nullam id justo ac tortor tincidunt rhoncus eu et arcu. Donec bibendum tortor ac tortor convallis tincidunt.

FOUR Maecenas non tortor ac quam sollicitudin viverra. Vestibulum a tortor quis eros mollis auctor. Nam consequat purus sit amet lacus ultrices pulvinar. Morbi aliquet velit sed quam sodales, ut viverra nunc vulputate. Donec sed massa eget magna tincidunt tincidunt non sit amet lectus. Nullam a diam vitae leo lobortis faucibus eget nec ex.

FIVE Quisque ut arcu vel purus dictum fermentum sit amet ac dui.

SIX In sed massa molestie tortor gravida imperdiet. Pellentesque sit amet nisl nec ligula semper hendrerit. Phasellus lacinia felis in neque ultricies consequat.

SEVEN Maecenas quis ex nec ligula varius ornare at ac ante. Phasellus sit amet quam tincidunt dolor ornare finibus. Etiam ornare velit quis nibh imperdiet, sed finibus purus tincidunt. Sed consequat tortor auctor metus gravida viverra. Ut rutrum dolor eget justo pharetra venenatis. Mauris molestie ipsum ac lacus tempus placerat.

scenarios / storylines.


Plots & situations for the character.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

In luctus, ex vitae pretium accumsan, lacus tortor sollicitudin ante, at placerat massa massa vitae odio. Quisque tincidunt tellus a tellus molestie tempus. Donec enim ligula, mollis sit amet felis eu, gravida egestas nulla. Aenean quis felis non nisi semper dignissim. Curabitur imperdiet, nunc eget auctor rhoncus, odio ligula efficitur quam, sit amet egestas justo neque eget nisi. Vivamus vitae odio nisl. Nunc egestas vel mi vitae lacinia. Etiam dapibus velit cursus eros interdum tincidunt. Aliquam dictum blandit metus, ac semper urna cursus nec. Sed dapibus facilisis velit, non lobortis nisi ornare a. Ut consectetur accumsan porta. Etiam vulputate ut lacus id venenatis. Morbi ac tellus scelerisque, molestie erat non, pretium leo. Vestibulum blandit turpis ac metus lobortis, in cursus augue placerat.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Fusce sed dolor nec libero pulvinar egestas. Etiam sed pretium mauris, et interdum erat. Morbi sapien diam, tincidunt sit amet lacus a, fringilla pretium lorem. Donec ut vehicula lacus, cursus maximus libero. Morbi consequat laoreet interdum. Ut ullamcorper eget arcu vitae aliquam. Nunc augue nisl, vestibulum vel dui id, feugiat tempor lectus.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Duis placerat eros et consequat egestas. Pellentesque quis est porttitor, congue diam ut, imperdiet ligula. In semper porta dolor, eget dictum metus convallis in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar hendrerit risus ac dignissim. Etiam tristique, purus porttitor luctus laoreet, est diam fringilla erat, eu accumsan erat risus sed purus. Sed velit lorem, facilisis in dolor at, posuere semper sem. Donec et viverra arcu. Nam pellentesque orci velit, sit amet commodo turpis condimentum non. Aenean at sagittis arcu. Suspendisse iaculis gravida iaculis. Suspendisse blandit erat sapien, id tempor mi bibendum quis. Curabitur et dapibus nisi, eu malesuada est. Ut tristique sollicitudin blandit.


✦ linong c。 1 minute ago Reply

wtf hyunjin’s a god

✦ shiah y。 1 minute ago Reply

hyunjin is my model as a sophomore

✸ hwayoung r。 53 seconds ago Reply

you'll probably be the first student i'd come to for anything..i guess not all you kids are annoying