Personal Message
section : History
Some parents just were not meant to have kids. That's what Kibum has always said. He knows personaly that. His own parents were just not meant to have kids. They shouldn't have but they had six. Kibum was the second born. His parents really didn't take care of his younger siblings and counted on Kibum and his older sister to take care of them. change dipers, Cook dinner, Get the kids to school. In all honesty he was the parent more than the biological parents. The two of them just sat on the couch all day. Now kibum knows that his parents love him, but he just resents them a bit. He was never given a childhood or a teen hood. He was busy being the adult.
Kibum grew up knowing he would do anything to be in the limelight. TO be able to perform on stage and make people smile. Since this is how he lived growing up. He sometimes made it through the day by watching his favorite idols and listening to their music. It relaxed him and made him look forward to the future. Well when he proposed his dream to audition for Sapphire ent at the age of 15 his parents laughed in his face and told him he would never make it. Now Kibum knows it was only them protecting him but he felt so much sarrow. however on his 18th birthday he left and did a secret audition behind their back. He made it in but he needed some work. His dance skills were pretty great however his singing was avrage. after 4 years as a trainee Kibum has become top in some of his classes and has improved amazingly. He even trained as a rapper in hopes of giving him a better chance at debuting.
section : Personality
Kibum is known for his sass and diva like attitude. he is kind however but yes, a diva nontheless. He enjoys pretty and expensive things however he hasn't ever been able to afford it. but he sure has a wish list of gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton and other high end brands. He hopes one day he will be able to afford it.
overall Kibum cares for many types of people and is able to always see the bright side. He channels Empathy veryway and can see it another persons way.
section : DPs
basic information
full nameKim Kibum
timezoneGMT -7
writing styleLit/semi lit
other infoRap/Dance
track title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
artisttrack title
section : Plots
Starstruck : Humor/friendship : m/f
LKibum is a total fanboy for your muse. He grew up listening to them through the hard times and the good times. When he sees his idol in the halls of the main building he cant help but want to say hi. His normal suave nature crumbles and he turns into a bit of a Weirdo fan boy. However he realizes later that his actions may have made him uncomfortable. So Under his idols studio he knows is working at he slides a little note he left them. He appologized for his fanboyish nature and hoped he didn't make them uncomfortable. The two decide to meet up and have coffee they find they have a lot in common and get along well. A friendship has formed or maybe more?
Annoyance : Frienemies/ HUmor/ FLuff : m/f
Key and your muse absolutely cannot stand each other. They have known each other since the begining of their training as a trainee. They both started around the same time and instantly clashe. Ever since then they have been sworn enimimes. NO eye contact snarky remarks the whole 9 yards. However when one of their instructors finally has enough with them and pairs them up to come up with choreography of a song of their choosing they are forced to get along. They actually find that they have more in common than they think. But that still doesn't stop the other from teasing they just cant help it.but its a more friendlier teasing now.
I know you : Angst/Friendship : m/f
Your muse knows one of Key's younger siblings from school the two of them start talking and sooner or later key is reavealing the raw emotions he had kept for so long. About not being able to be a kid and having to take care of all his younger siblings.
updated : 06/28/18
section : here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
section : OOC
Hello there! lovely to see you have an interest in Key. Couple of my OOC rules to start with:
Don't rush me for replies I normally reply quickly but sometimes I get busy and don't really need the stress of someone bugging me. However after one week and I haven't responded without telling you anything you may give me a poke sometimes I forget!
NO real limits on topics or anyting jsut give me a heads up if you wanna add a new angsty part to our plot. I'd prefer no surpirse suicidal chaarcters. Just let me know!
Please try and avoiid one liners as much as you can if we are in plot.I don't expect a novel I just want some effort into replies. Add something! Don't just reply to what I typed.
LIf you want to talk ooc I'm all down for it! But do know the difference between ooc and IC.
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