Personal Message
bae joohyun
customer s. 
company identification


name: bae joohyun

dob:  29th jan 1991

race: demon

timezone: GMT+0/1/7

department and position: head of customer service

background:  joohyun is the "living" embodiment of what you see is what you get- the image you see of her is what you get from her, no surprises. she also struggles to maintain relationships because her envious side gets the best of her and she is overcome with the urge to steal all that her loved ones' have, so she tends to keep to herself. however, a few selected individuals who she treasures deeply help her to suppress the urge to ruin their lives and take everything they have from her. but there is only one person who walks the surface of hell who she treasures that deeply.

password: fourth circle



full name




envy || INvidia


customer service


department head


Aromantic / panual


read my profile please.


bae joohyun
section : envy


" she’ll wander up to you, no real intention in mind.
flirt with you to tell you what others have is more divine.
and if you don’t fall for her yet, she’ll poison your soul,
push a dagger into your back as she kisses you slow.
and when she’s got you in her palm, she’ll lean in close
whisper in your ear: “but my dear,

you look your best in green.

section : levia


"May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan,"

Leviathan - the great sea serpent who roams the darkest depths of the oceans crushing all the ships in the ocean. 

Leviathan - the hellmouth. gatekeeper of hell itself. she welcomes you with a snarl. 

leviathan - the representative of man's chaos, yet the punisher of the damned. 

Leviathan - the serpent who tempted adam and eve.  

section : irene


before all of this, all the bureaucracy and order- irene was a mischievous demon with juvenile intentions. her favourite past time was to venture out to the human world and toy with their measly souls. somedays she’d cut the red thread that tied up soulmates and spark hate with devilish whispers laced with envy. other days she’d tip those who were covetous over the edge, letting them fall into a violent pit of fury, watching as they let their lives go to waste with a grin that resembled one of a child adorning her face. but, after a few decades, humans became too boring, their reactions to predictable. what was the worst a man could do when consumed by the insatiable desire to satisfy their want of their neighbour’s possessions? kill them? that’s just not good enough anymore.

now she rests in her office, taking a break from the chaos, savouring the order and doing her part in hell as the head of customer service. it was a job she despised, all the human interaction just wasn’t her cup of tea. it was almost enough to make her turn into the hideous beast she really was, but that won’t do. instead, she keeps herself locked in her office away from anything else that might rekindle the dormant fire of envy and rage in her soul. opting for a more simple, jealous free life of only mild irritation from all the customer service phone calls.

Personality: Irene is a short tempered sweet-talker who stands tall and calm even when aggravated. she’ll insult you and strike you with venomous words without so much as sparing you a glance. everything she does radiates grace and elegance, from the way she carries herself, to the way she wraps her hands around someone’s throat to rid them of their last breath. her words are harsh when speaking to those outside her department, mostly because she’s a prideful introvert who believes that she has no use for anyone outside customer service and therefore she has no need to be nice to them or talk to them really. even if what she says is cruel, she’ll say it with a voice so dulcet, you’d believe she’s complimenting you.

her abilities are shape shifting, fire manipulation and belief manipulation. she only shape shifts to her leviathan form once every couple centuries, usually she transforms to an aquatic siren.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

Tracker | updt: 9th july 2018


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